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I'm having a recurring error where on occasion (doesn't always happen) when I click on the Captions and Grahpics workspace it will crash the entire project. It's become consistent enough where I'm used to it but I have no idea the underlying cause.
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That's a tough problem to sort.
I assume this is the regular C&G workspace and not a custom one you have saved with changes. When the problem occurs, are there ANY changes in the workspace? For example, have you closed any other panel, etc.
I cannot create your error, but see this bug report:
I tried to get a crash by switching to another workspace, undocking and closing the text panel, then switching to the C&G workspace. But it opens the text panel and does not crash.
Are there C&G relevant issues in the project - transcriptions/captions etc. Screenshots might help.
I would do a screen recording and do the sorts of actions you think might reveal the error.
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Update: it happened again today! But this time with a new project and simply clicking on the Color workspace.
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Thanks for reporting!
When you get that crash report option, complete it and give them your email.
First, while uncommon, I have been contacted by a staff member asking a question about the report.
Second, a staff member here in the forum who looks into this can match up your report via the email address. This can be very valuable for troubleshooting.