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capture preview is blank when capturing VHS on Premiere 2019

New Here ,
Dec 28, 2023 Dec 28, 2023

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So, I'm on digitizing my old tapes and tapes from my friends with Adobe Premiere. It's a good program, but the capture preview always crashes on some version or on another. It was doing fine in Premiere 2022, so the capture preview went blank, but the recording after that went fine, as always. I've uninstalled it, removed all the registry keys, installed 2020 version and nothing.
Seems like 2019 version was working fine, until I had the "briliant" idea of install MKV Toolnix just to insert a double audio option after transfering on Premiere. During the installing of MKV Toolnix, the capture preview went blank again and nothing turns back to normal. I've reinstalled again and it goes the same problem. It's annoyng, 'cause I need to see how the tape is going, if there are image fluctuation and such. I've tried videohelp forums and they're not helping too.

I'm using Win10 64bit.
Capture equipment: LG GC981B 7head VCR > Samsung DVD Recorder DVDR-121 > Canopus ADVC 110 > Firewire Ieee 1394a 4 Ports Pcie X1 Texas Instruments > PC

That Samsung DVD Recorder is just for PAL-M to NTSC conversion. If I remove it, all the videos turns to black and white.

I need some help, please
Thank you

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