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Je viens d'installer Première Pro sur une nouvelle config PC, normalement suffisante pour monter confortablement des vidéos: AMD Ryzen 97900C, carte grahique Ge force RTX 3060, 32 Go de RAM, disques principal et de travail SSD NVMe 2 To. Mes drivers Nvidias sont à jour.
Malgré cela, Première a parfois du mal à charger un projet, allant de 4 secondes à plus d'une minute pour le même projet. Quand je travaille en simultané avec After Effect, Première peine à raffraichir les modifications sur After Effetc, même en purgeant le cache. Parfois, la fenêtre preview se fige carrément alors que je me balade sur la ligne de temps et que j'entends les bandes son. Je ne m'en sors qu'en relaçant le logiciel.
Mon matériel pose problème ou ai-je oublié des options à cocher?
En vous remerciant.
Hi @ChCl -
Thanks for submitting your bug report. We need a few more details to try to help with the issue.
Please see, How do I write a bug report?
When working with multiple Adobe apps, you should check that you have enough ram allocated for each app. If you check your preferences under Memory you can adjust how much ram is reserved for each app.
let us know if adjusting this helps your issue.
Sorry for the frustration.
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Hi @ChCl -
Thanks for submitting your bug report. We need a few more details to try to help with the issue.
Please see, How do I write a bug report?
When working with multiple Adobe apps, you should check that you have enough ram allocated for each app. If you check your preferences under Memory you can adjust how much ram is reserved for each app.
let us know if adjusting this helps your issue.
Sorry for the frustration.
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Hi and thanks for your quick response. Sorry for my english. I complete informations
CPU AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
GPU Asus Ge force RTX 3060
RAM 32 Go (corsair)
Hard Drive 2 x SSD NVMe Samsung 980 pro 2 To, one principal, one for work
About my preference memory: in each soft, After and Premiere, I see 25 Go affected to After and Premiere, 6 to other softs. I can't manage to give more or lesse ton After or Premiere, juste between Adobe softs and other softs.
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Hi @ChCl - I suspect you are running out of ram with both applications running at the same time. Can you post a screenshot of your memory window for both After effects and Premiere? Can you post a screenshot of your media file properties? If you are mainly working in Premiere then I would lower the "ram reserved for other applications"
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I forgot this one
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Hi @ChCl - In the Premiere Pro Application you can change Memory Allocation. Navigate to the menu and then click the "Edit", then at the bottom select Preferences > Memory this is where you can change the allocation.
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No, I can only change the memory for all Adobe suite.
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Hi @ChCl - Do you see this issue in Premiere when Premiere is the only application running?
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It is right that if I open only one Adobe soft, 25 Go are allowed for all the soft. But I need to work with 2, even 3! In this case, impossible (it seems to me) to put memory where I want.
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Hi @ChCl - It would definitely help your workflow if you install more ram for your system.
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Hi jamieclark,
Ok, I'm gonna buy more RAM. But I'm a bit upset, I was sure 32 Go ram would be ok. By the way, do you know if it's possible to organise the ram between Adobe softs when several are open?
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Hi @ChCl - Adobe applications share the ram, but you can change the ram reserved for other applications which will go into a pool that Adobe apps share. This is why I suggested only keeping one app open at a time. Premiere Pro system requirements are actually based on the type of media you are using so currently if you are using 4K media then the recommendation is 32gigs of Ram.