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Conversion of PPT to MP4 for editing in Premiere Pro, duplicate frames

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Sep 14, 2021 Sep 14, 2021

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I have been working on a series of presenations for my job. I convert the ppt (powerpoint) presentations to an MP4, within ppt and save. These files then get dragged into Premiere Pro for merging or various fixes. What seems to be happening, a few second prior to the change to the next slide, there's a frame of the next slide. It's one frame... So, an intro slide that's 20 seconds, at 18:22 there is an agenda slide frame, and then the intro slide continues from 18:23 to 20:00. 

This is happening with almost every presentation, no matter how many ways it is converted, saved, rendered... Any quick fixes?? Suggestions???  Going through hours of presentations 20 seconds at a time is ridiculously tedious. 

Editing , Error or problem , Import






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New Here ,
May 20, 2024 May 20, 2024

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It has been a while since this initial post. I have discovered that when moving sections and connecting to other sections, this happens. I think it's a default addition because PPT doesn't convert well with transitions and easily identifiable or marked trim edges. There are a couple solutions I have found to make this easier. 
#1 - use a transition. This doesn't always work, however, a dip to black can easily remedy this in between cuts.

#2 - leave a one-frame gap. Choosing to do this, gives a transition blip, again, easily covered with a dip or another transition or graphic effect. this also seems to eliminate the reproduction of prior frames Pro does, again, likely because of lack of trim restrictions in the raw ppt mp4.

#3 - Start in the source editing and make clips. Here, when creating sub-clips, you can add the trim restrictions to the clips, directing pro to NOT add anything to the clips.

These are some tricks I have learned through using this program through the years and looking up tools and other tips. Pro is powerful tool with many options. It's important to learn as much as possible to get the cleanest edits.  





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