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I'm not sure how to word this properly, but when I try to crop a video it doesn't work. You can see by the handles that the video is being effected, and in the sequence preview you can see it being effected but in the preview panel it isn't being cropped. I can't find anything on the internet to help - and I'm really very new to Pr so my apologies if my wording is off. I've attached a video that shows my problem in more detail.
Iv'e figured it out. I had global FX Mute on. Hopefully this helps someone in the future.
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It's the future. You helped me out. Thanks.
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Dear Gwen! You are a GOD! I'm going to worship you for the rest of the week! You saved me from a heart attack! Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!
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Fogetting 'the 'GlobalFX' mute button happens to everyone sooner or later 🙂
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It's further into the future, you're still helping people out..😁
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Hi Gwen,
We appreciate you wriitng in and sharing the experience. We're sure it will be helpful for other users too.
Give us a shout if you get any other issues.
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Mute/unmute the global fx did not solve this problem for me. I am using 2023 version. There are too many things going wrong.
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I have just found the reason the crop doesn't work! Perhaps this is only relevant to 2023 version. The effect actually works but because it is at the back of the object being cropped, you will not see the effect applying. So, to crop and see the effect, drag the crop effect on the Essential Graphics panel over the (in this example) shape. The hierarchy can also be swapped in Effect Controls tab by simply dragging the crop effect over the shape. The crop effect has to be above the object being cropped. See more in the attached screenshot.
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I am soo confused. I'm trying to crop the edges of a still on V1 and a still under it on V2 for a split screen effect. I dropped crop onto the selected clip in the timeline, but when I adjusted it nothing happened. I opened the Effect Graphics tab and there's nothing there for me to drag crop onto. How do I know if "the effect is at the back of the object being cropped," like you said was occuring in your situation?
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Btw, I accidentally typed "Effect Graphics tab" but I meant "Essential Graphics tab."
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Never mind! Global FX was muted, even though other FX were appearing. I hate Premiere Pro 2023.
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Glad you got it sorted. But to clear the confusion, the crop effect has to be applied first before you will be able to see it under essential graphics tab. I attached a screenshot to my original response. The Global FX that worked for you didn't work in my own situation. Hating Premier Pro 2023? I agree with you totally!
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HUGE HELP!!!! Thanks.
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And for those that were like me and had to literally SEARCH WHERE GLOBAL FX WAS, since no one mentioned it in this thread. It is in your editor, chances are if crop is not working, make sure Global FX is off.