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I didn't notice till I'w edited the clips of a scenic project, that it was cropped, as I used the wrong settings at the beginning. When it is stopped it shows the right size, but when it plays it crops in. Is there any way to salvage by changing to the correct parameters, or do I have to strt over with the right parameters.
When I have mixed clips of different sizes in a project, I have recropped in a project, so that for example one such as this looks shrunk when stopped so when it plays it is the right size, but then one can't stablize, when the original settings are wrong, so since all of the clips are wrong in this, I don't want to do this way.
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1 Correct answer
Would have been nice it you said it was cs6 upfront.
Answer is no.
Need to make new sequence then copy/paste.
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You can change sequence settings.
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I wonder how to do that.
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With the sequence selected in the Timeline panel, go to the Menu system, Sequence/Settings.
Set the top option to "custom" by scrolling up, then you can set all other parameters as needed.
Or ... to have Premiere create a sequence to match the clip, right-click a clip in a bin, "new sequence from clip" ... and it will match that clip for frame size/rate and such.
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Because this is CS6, maybe the answer is no.
Going to sequence settings, I see no custom.
The clips are 3040x1960. The preview is 1920x1080 thus apparently causing the crop cutting off much.
I can type 3040 and 1960 in the preview boxes, but it changes nothing and reverts back to 1920 and 1060 when I look again.
To clarify, when the sequence is stopped, the preview overfilles the frame so much is not visible. If I play the sequence, then it shows as a normal size.
If I change the scale under motion, to 50 instead of 100, then the preview will fill the frame, but the playback with show a crop with large black edges.
So in the first case an export will be of the preview size, and it will be cropping out much. Hard to edit when half the picture is missing.
In the 50% case, it will preview with the clip correctly filling the frame, and export thus but playback will show a reduced view with large black borders, making it hard to see what needs editing.
In either case no stailization can be done because the parameter don't match, so it seems I will have to abort, and import starting over with the desired parameters to match the sequence.
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Would have been nice it you said it was cs6 upfront.
Answer is no.
Need to make new sequence then copy/paste.
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Yes I wish I hadn't forgot, as it would have saved me a lot of typing.
I am unclear on your meaning. I can creat a new sequence without a new project, and copy what is in the project, with the trims done so far, into that sequence? A new timeline?
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Yes ... create a new sequence, even perhaps in a second timeline panel. Then select-all from the old sequence, copy and paste into the new one.
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I went to file and new and saw I could add new sequence, but I didn't see any selection with 3840x2160, so thought I couldn't do it. but on closing that I noticed 'from clip' and used that on the first one and it came in at the right size whether played or stopped. I then copied what I did from the other sequence and pasted. Just what I needed, rather than starting over, thanks!