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Deleting Media Cache Subdues Timeline Audio?

New Here ,
May 06, 2023 May 06, 2023

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I'm working on a show where we're creating multicam clips and then putting them on the timeline for edit. The main audio files are all multichannel, mapped anywhere between 3-6 mono channels. I've attached the screenshots for the settings I use to create the clips, as well as our main mono timelines.

After putting multicam clips on the timeline, when we play the clips back, the audio levels seem much more subdued. Match-framing and then playing from the source monitor sounds just fine.

Could it be due to media cache issues?

We recently deleted unused media cache, and Premiere is regenerating them in the background.
Before deleting the media cache, audio playback was just fine. We're playing back audio through the standard iMac speakers, hence we've kept out main timelines as Mono.






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