deleting ?uneeded? files
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I am trying to make more space on my internal 4T drive where my video sequences, projects and exported compilations are stored. I am in the red showing lack of room left.
I asked in another post, if it would make sense to move the projects and completed exports to an external drive, while keeping the sequences referred to on the internal for fast reading. but that had no response.
So now I am wondering if the preview files could be deleted. Reading, I see that it says they are used to reference whether there was rendering. It seems most of the folders are empty but some have files in. I had been previously advised that rendering before export was unnecessary unless there was some problem, so I don't normally do so. Although when editing, it seems every that almost time I press the space bar to play a clip. after some modification, it renders.
Then another folder is full of auto saved files. Since I have already completed videos, exported and uploaded to YouTube, there is no need for any of them is there?
Thanks if anyone answers, because progress has ceased till I create more room.
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I see I would gain ~75G with the preview, but only ~5G with the autosave.
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Drive C space may help
Also, preview files will be recreated as needed
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Looking at that thread, I found that there were about 49,000 files, , 21.7G in the local temp on C, which I deleted, but I wasn't really having any space problems on C, (239G free or 931G) as the folders mentioned above are on internal 4T Z drive. Also used the clean media button, because, why not.
But deleting unnecessary preview files on Z will gain a lot, as that is where I lack space, thanks.