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Hi guys
From the reaction, this version seems to have a serious amount of flaws (why does Adobe rush to launch products with such basic issues???)
So my question is; does the 2018 install retain the option to keep the previous version? If it does, without losing any features needed to run 2017, I’ll download and test to see how it works on my machines.
When upgrading, it's a good idea to keep the previous versions installed on your system – especially if you are trying to upgrade in the middle of a project.
However, you have to explicitly tell the CC Desktop app to do this by unchecking the 'Remove old versions' box under the advanced settings of the update dialogue.
(Generally that should work, although Ann said she didn't see the "Advanced Options" dropdown menu for some reason.)
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It will replace it but you can add the older version back in if you need to. Just go to the cloud and click on the menu next to the "Open" menu then choose "Other Versions" to install any version back to CS6.
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Thanks. Wonder why Adobe removed the ‘retain previous vesion’ option? It seems people updating then restoring back to 2017 after a poor experience, are being denied the Dolby plugin when they launch 2017. That could be a big issue as I primarily work with .mxf and .mts files and I want to be sure before.
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I can´t find the CC2017 and my old projects won´t load in 2018....even with save as...
Your only option is CC and CS 6.0
Really Bad..especially as my customer just called me for a "last minute" change...
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The first time I updated (this was Premiere) I was not presented with the advanced option to uncheck Remove Previous version.
When I picked another program it did present itself.
Just had a look on the Mac, same thing: no advanced settings
Adobe is working on a fix for the cc app but meanwhile Install 2017 if needed.
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But it´s only CC 2017.1 so my project doesn´t work properly. Interface slow/broken.Transportbar Cursor Freeze. No Export of Sequences to fix in CC 2018..
No way to updat eto the latest 2017 Version
EDL Export doesn´t work either for saving the project...
Old postpro rule "never update while project.... "
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The link I gave you is for Premiere 2017.1.2 build 22 (the latest).
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I managed to "export + Save as.." to get my project working. thx
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There are checkboxes to migrate your settings and to remove older versions. Both are checked by default under the Advanced button.
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When upgrading, it's a good idea to keep the previous versions installed on your system – especially if you are trying to upgrade in the middle of a project.
However, you have to explicitly tell the CC Desktop app to do this by unchecking the 'Remove old versions' box under the advanced settings of the update dialogue.
(Generally that should work, although Ann said she didn't see the "Advanced Options" dropdown menu for some reason.)
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Thanks for all the responses. So it seems I can retain the previous version? I always keep earlier versions for a while when installing a new release and will do so especially with CC 2018 to remove the uncertainty surrounding this latest update (provided CC2018 doesn't remove the Dolby Encoder from earlier versions...)
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(provided CC2018 doesn't remove the Dolby Encoder from earlier versions...)
That is something I was wondering about too.
Which windows version do you use?
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I'm on Win10, so hopefully it shouldn't be a problem. But looking at some of the threads since CC2018 launched, it seems anything can happen...
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I did not have ac3 audio in 2018 at first.
Cleared cache but also moved the files to a different folder.
Back in business.
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Which files did you move to a different folder?
I've tried clearing cache, creating new cache folders, and renaming the "Commons" folder. None of this worked for me.
Did you move the original source media files into a different folder?
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Erika, here's another possibility, from this thread:
"I solved my own problem, although I am not sure exactly what did it. I mentioned that I cleared all my Media Cache and Peak files, which didn't solve the issue. Yesterday it did.
The one thing I did differently this time is that I went through my plugins folder: Library>Application Support>Adobe>Common>Plug-Ins>7.0 and purged all my 3rd party plugins that I no longer use. I had quite a few of them. I also deleted the 3rd party program FX Factory. I did this, cleared my media cache and peak files, imported my MTS file in CC 2018 and it imported with video and audio."
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I just moved the folder with the mts files to a different location.
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Have you tried ingesting new .mts clips yet or have you only been concerned with existing clips so far?
Also, one thing that I’m not clear about; does this issue just affect AVCHD .mts or does it impact XAVCHD .mxf files as well?
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No I dont work with mts files, so the ones I can test are already on my computer.
Premiere can import mxf files.
Most of the time its all about Media Cache.
When cleaning out not all files get deleted and there it goes wrong.
Thats why I move or rename folders.
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Yes. With virtually any CC/CS Adobe app, you can (and perhaps should) have multiple versions installed on the same machine... This goes especially for DVA customers.
If you rely on the Dolby codec, then you might want to read through this thread for solutions (before taking any action):
Dolby Codec Missing in CC 2018, MTS/AC3 No Audio
(read through all suggestions on both pages of the thread)
Hope that helps.
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Please note that as of 2018 the advanced dialogue box does not pop up when you click "Update" next to Premiere.
It works for other CC apps - for instance, Photoshop provides the Advanced Dialogue popup. The latest version of Premiere 12 does not. WARNING: If you click "update" next to Pr it will automatically start updating without the option to retain previous versions.
This has been true now for most all of 2018. Is there a way to get Adobe to fix this?
Pr 12.0 has far far fewer bugs than the 12.1+ versions (releases that are some of the buggiest I've worked with in the past eight years). When clients are working off the latest version of Pr I'm forced to update without an ability to retain the older, more reliable versions on other projects. It's awful.
Many of my colleagues have switched back to Final Cut because of how bad Premiere's become (and Final Cut is pretty terrible too). Other professional editors I know, including myself, are eagerly awaiting the day DaVinci Resolve becomes the new standard. Blackmagic makes some spectacular products and I have no doubt will soon outrun Adobe, at least with anything video related (editing, audio mixing and mastering, and color grading).