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I wanted to flag an issue I ran into. Premiere was crashing when I would go to render. It was a repeatable crash point. It would happen when I hit Export, hit send to Media Encoder or tried to move back to the Edit tab. It could also happen when going from the Edit Tab back to the Import tab.
Eventually, I figured out that this crash behaviour didn't happen if I limited my Premiere window to a single screen. Hopefully, this can be fixed in future updates. We should not have to adjust our window's dimensions in order to output a file.
On a somewhat releaded topic, making the panels of the new Import and Export pages adjustable and dockable, like every other Adobe application, would be great. In their current UI, there has not been any consideration for editors with more than 1 monitor.
Hello @ryans27674822,
Thanks for the message. It’s been a long time since you filed this bug, and I apologize for the lack of a response. Are you still having this issue? If so, the team will need more information from you to reproduce the bug. Can you provide the information required here? How do I write a bug report?
I'll move your post to the Discussions board while we await your information.

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I've worked with multiple panels for years. It's easy enough to do. That said, it would be nice if Premiere could actually see and put stuff on specified screens. Ah well.
As a practical matter, don't spread the Pr UI across multiple screens.
Create an additional panel grouping on the second screen by drag'dropping and resizing a panel onto it. Make sure that panel goes close to the edge, but not over into another screen.
Then add additional panels within it for a "panel grouping". And save as a custom workspace.
I run three monitors from my desktop for most of my custom workspaces, with a fourth used as the clean-feed out/Mercury Transmit full-screen image monitor.
Again, it would be good if Premiere could act with additional monitors as a knowledgeable app for that work. It doesn't.
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"As a practical matter, don't spread the Pr UI across multiple screens."
I've spread its UI across multi screens for years. It's always worked fine. All of my custom workspaces have taken advantage of that without issue, again, for several years. This is a new issue regarding crashing, and a new issue regarding two new tabs created by Adobe that ignore the flexability of the UI that Adobe applications had forever.
I take advantage of a utility called Microsoft PowerToys that lets me up cusom screen layouts for my monitors. It makes it easy to snap Premiere into a space that fills 2/3 of the dual monitor setup. Losing that convenience because the most recent builds of Premiere have bugs is silly.
The crash issue is a bug and should be addressed.
I don't need/want Premiere to see and put stuff on any special screen. I've manually created custom workspaces that I'm quite happy with. I'm absolutely not looking to have anything automated. I'm looking for more manual control options.
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Well, I'm somewhat envious actually. As you've had far better success than I at working with a single spread-out Pr UI!
That has never worked well for me. And we've had issues here on the forum for years where if someone got their panel group of monitor B one pixel over onto monitor A all hecuba broke loose.
I've been after them to get this app more modernized in the way it works with monitors for years. Without success, sadly. Which is why I give practical advice around here.
What works is the only thing I can advise.
And I'll happily support significant improvement in user monitor options!
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I've got quite a different attitude towards your suggestion. As with most, things have been 'fine' with dual monitors for years, and working without them feels like losing an eye when it happens. So, as much as I'd like the setup to remain as it is, suggestions like yours are only helpful. Starting just a couple days ago, dragging items from exploer into the project bin, causes not just a crash... but the 2nd monitor to shut off. I'm a risk taker, and since work was fairly slow, I upgraded to Windows 11 and was happy to have no issues. Everything just seemed to work for the last couple of months. After this last update to Premiere, however, it's been crashing multiple times a day, and not just crashing, but causing landslides when it falls. Monitor goes off, screen locks up, windows go black, only an empty task bar may show... just a nightmare of a situation. You'd think I was using a Wish computer now. I was able to take a break, make a tall cup of coffee, and start testing what was happening. The only thing consistent, was doing things over two monitors. Dragging files from explorer, which I can obviously avoid by importing organically. But dragging clips from the project bin onto the project? Sh*t.
So my options are to save every minute and hope I don't lose anything that makes me throw my mouse through the wall, or come up with a workaround. Two things that are helpful are (1) limiting how much I cross over from monitor to monitor. I don't interact a ton with my sequence preview, so that would be a good element to put on my 2nd screen. There are several more examples, but reordering/reorganizing the layout is a great first step. The 2nd is what you've mentioned. The issue may be not using two monitors, but extending a single app onto two monitors, intead of having two seperate app ... groups.
A lot of talk for someone who has yet to try it out, but at the pace my system is degrading because of this, it could set fire soon and now there's record as to Adobe being the one with the match. Best of luck to anyone with this issue. I'll report what I can if anyone cares to know.
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Hey, understood.
It would be rather nice if they ACTUALLY upgraded this app to be a bit more modern in working with multiple monitors ... easily, without needing to know Jack.
We all work differently, and have things that either just 'feel' better or our brains work with better. And need to have those function correctly with the apps we use. As an autistic (though most don't notice) ... I certainly am aware of how my neural processes need to be properly utilized & cared for.
Some things are simple preferences ... I "like" this way better.
But other things are ... my brain works this way, period, and ain't changeable. It's how it's hardwired. Frustrating as that can be at times, I either work with my brain or have incredibly frustrating, miserable days.
So I definitely understand having personal prefs for working situations from a number of angles.
And it is SO frustrating when something that works with the above suddenly doesn't.
I can drag/drop items across monitors from my separate "window groups" ... and have adapted to working that way. It's not a great process for all though.
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Hello @ryans27674822,
Thanks for the message. It’s been a long time since you filed this bug, and I apologize for the lack of a response. Are you still having this issue? If so, the team will need more information from you to reproduce the bug. Can you provide the information required here? How do I write a bug report?
I'll move your post to the Discussions board while we await your information.
