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Hola a todos,
Estamos trabajando en una Producción de Premiere en una red local con Nexis, donde tenemos una unidad para la Producción y otra para la Media.
Nos están apareciendo dentro de la producción al abrir un proyecto las carpetas de Audio Previews y de Auto Save, junto a cada proyecto, y no sabemos por qué. Esto es un problema pues fuera de la carpeta de la producción de los proyectos ya existen esas carpetas para toda la Producción y no debería generar unas nuevas que además aparecen en la ventana de Producción dentro de Premiere y se forma un caos.
Estamos usando la versión 24.6.3 de Premiere Pro.
¿Alguna solución o pista de por qué está pasando?
Muchas gracias.
Guille García
I meant that by specifying a folder that is not inside the folder containing the production and therefore that ‘Same as Production’ does not appear in the Scratch Disk configuration. This is what solved it.
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What are your settings for those location in the Production settings? Do one or more users have them set to stay with the project files? I'm wondering if there's a mis-match in the overall Production settings and various users, or that some projects within the Production have altered settings.
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Muchas gracias Neil,
He revisado las configuraciones de los usuarios en Production Settings y todos tenemos en la configuración de Scratch Disks la opción "Same as Production".
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I might suggest trying to separate previews and renders, and maybe even auto-save, from the Production folder drive, and to those local on each machine. Might even improve performance.
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Muchas gracias @R Neil Haugen, propondré al equipo probar esta configuración que comentas. ¿Al estar compartida la configuración de Productions en la producción, la ruta de las carpetas tienen que estar referenciadas con la misma ruta local?
Es curioso porque en el documento de guia de uso de Productions dice literalmente:
"For editorial teams collaborating on shared storage it is important that the scratch disk folders be set to a shared location that all edit systems will be able to access."
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Yea, but not all things "we" think of as "scratch disk" items are necessarily such as seen by the devs. They also note that some things should always be on the local machine, and not in networked drives. You gotta check that section out also.
And ... in all, I'm a totally practical guy. What works works. Just do what works.
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Wise words @R Neil Haugen , than you very much! I'll try this settings and perhaps the creation of folders in unexpected places will be solved. I'll report the experience here.
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Initially I managed to stop the autosave folders and previews folders from appearing inside the production folders by specifying a folder outside the production, even if it is on a network drive. At least for now.
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I meant that by specifying a folder that is not inside the folder containing the production and therefore that ‘Same as Production’ does not appear in the Scratch Disk configuration. This is what solved it.