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I'm a multimedia type of person, I do video, audio, graphics, a little animation and so on. When doing audio in something like a Logic Pro if my mind isnt mistaken, theres a feature, a button that allows for someone to write and make an internal note about the project.
But weather someone is a one man gang or one person of 5,10, or 20 plus that might be working on a project, a button for a "Notes" feature would be awesome so individuals can remind themselves of things that were done &/or need to be done when they come back to a project or for other team members to read that pick up the project(This also makes me think an optional checkbox to have the note pop open upon open and load of the project would be useful also).
But not looking to ramble or rant, just suggesting and requesting for internal program project notes. Premiere is the main one I had in mind but I suppose the other apps would find it useful also.
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Yes, please post that on the UserVoice system as Ann suggested.
Also, in the meantime, you can actually add a Notepad style note to the Project panel and use it.
Just create a new Notepad (or similar basic taxt tool file) in your project's main folder (easiest to keep with project then). Then from Explorer or Finder window, drag/drop that file onto your Project panel in Premiere.
Voila, you have an editable Notes file within Premiere!
Note, Premiere's consolidation and move features will completely ignore the existence of that file ... but you can use it.
This I got from Jarle Leirpoll's excellent and MASSIVE tome, "The Cool Stuff in Premiere Pro" on his website ... which I bought in the ebook version and has been on my tablet by my computer for over a year. When I saw the paperback version at Adobe MAX last November, I immediately grabbed it ... thing is over 1200 pages, massively indexed, the single greatest compilation of WHAT everything is in Premiere and the ways to get the most out of it fastest.
So I paid around $40 for the ebook version ... thought it was a steal. And another $60 or so for the paperback version ... about 2 pounds of paper there, it's massive ... but comprehensive.