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This is a big reliability issue, because there is no correspondence of what you have on timeline and what you are going to have on final export. This happens on different machines and happened also with previous versions of Premiere different from this one at moment of writing 15.4.1 (build 4).
The only reliably working workaround has been export only the single audio channels in wave files and then import it back into the timeline, that is time consuming and unacceptable for a professional software.
1 Correct answer
Hi @KinoKast,
Thanks for the version details. This issue was fixed in Premiere version 23.4. Please update your version from Creative Cloud and let us know how it goes there in the updated version. Sorry for not mentioning it earlier.
Happy to help, Mayjain
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This tends to happen with
1. a multicam clip after syncing two videos to a sound of a handclap or slate.
2. when an audio clip has some cuts but nothing is deleted
Those setups shouldn't even affect the audio tracks to begin with...
But you never know when this happens, it's super random.
This is a critical bug, period. freaking ridiculous.
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Finally after enabling automatic system management of Windows Page Files on ALL DRIVES
I had a successful export which resulted in a useless file due to ANOTHER ERROR:
"File importer detected an inconsistency in the file structure of ****. Reading and writing this file's metadata (XMP) has been disabled."
Finally after disabling writing XMP metadata the file exported successfully and now this audio issue!!!!
All of these problems appear to be YEARS old! Like others have mentioned I am very much looking toward using Davinci Resolve instead of this terrible software.
This trial & error BS is unacceptable for what should be the simplest part of the entire process! This video is 2.5 hours long and last took FIVE HOURS to export. I can't keep having to waste DAYS retyring failed exports (of course they always fail either at the very end of the process, or at least several hours into it)
And for some more data points
I am encountering this audio issue with files that are all 44.1 khz - exporting to 44.1khz, h.264 (don't even get me started on HEVC - seems to exporting fine and then boom computer crashes everytime at the end)
Adobe needs to seriously tackle these bugs, there is no excuse that these issues have existed for years.
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1) Mixdown audio tracks into a .wav (or mp3, aac)
2) Use FFMPEG to replace the audio track of the video -- while copying bit-for-bit the video track to a new file (without rerending it.).
In command prompt (or Terminal for Mac users), run:
ffmpeg -i C:\videos\my-input-file.mxf -i C:\videos\my-input-file.wav -c:v copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 C:\videos\my-new-file.mxf
(Please note: You must install FFMPEG. Save the ffmpeg.exe, ffprobe.exe, and ffplay.exe into a location like C:\bin. Then add C:\bin to your PATH environment variable for your computer.
I've included a .bat file (for Windows users) that can easily drag-and-drop your video file (i.e. C:\my-file.mxf) onto, and it'll merge it with the audio file (i.e. C:\my-file.wav) and output a new file (C:\ in the source video's directory.
I've also included a .reg file that'll add a Right-Click menu item to .mxf and .mp4 files called "FFMPEG Replace Audio Track" which runs the .bat file. For those of you that like a nice workflow.
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mine as said is to export wav and reimport then export video again,
but the truth is:
this is a shame, sometimes we need to export and deliver ASAP, we can't recheck, and now I'm moving all my project elsewhere, but when really I have no alternatives and I have to use Premiere (today I do and I'm on version 22.4) and every time this stupid bug is there, and instead of fixing it you just messed up the export tab...
to FERGUS HAMMOND, here's a link to a project affected:
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I was having no luck with all the solutions others found on this thread. Instead for me, just by dragging the audio onto a new track below seemed to fix it. Hope this will help some others and save the time I wasted.
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I placed another random audio clip at the same point as the impacted audio in the timeline. I then reduced the gain on the random clip so it cannot be heard and, for some reason, that make the original impacted audio register in the export.
Hope this helps someone.
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This is frustrating! It seems that the millennial engineers are worry more for how the suite looks rather than stability and performance. I have been getting a lot of issues when exporting, like video glitches and audio channels missing.
I still miss how Premiere Pro was the best editing program in the 90's. Now it gets worse every time it is upgraded.
I agree with all the bad comments in this thread.
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I uninstalled, re-installed premiere, then installed Ver 22.4 and still experienced missing audio in the renders.
Finally, I created a new sequence (in DNX 1080p), copied over the edits ran several test renders (which were successful), and then proceeded with one rendered sequence at a time and they were all successful. I hope this "fix" may help others.
Very frustrating, I spent way too much time arriving at a solution, especially with what I'm paying monthly for Adobe licensing.
Having been dealing with Premiere freezing for the past several months, and needing to use the Windows "taskkill" command to force a successful Adobe shutdown. Which requires a system reboot of the workstation (because Adobe will not restart otherwise) is way too time consuming and very frustrating.
I will say DeVinci Resolve is looking better and better.
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Have you also tried software and hardware encoding?
I would also suggest you share your hardware and driver versions.
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I had to do the audio only export and import the whole track back to the project.
Btw. I'm running version 22.5.0
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I feel I'll never trust the export function of premiere again.
I've seen that the bug is more frequent with the HLG files of GH5 and GH5S, they are H265 mp4, probably not related but maybe is of help.
At export wav soundtrack is there and random parts of the dialogue are missing.
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