Copy link to clipboard
Over the past few weeks, I've noticed that when I drag a clip onto the timeline, most of the time is wave form is not showing on the audio track. I always refer to the wave form as I make my final edits to my videos.
I pursued all of the options I found online in terms of settings that might not be correct - and they were all set as they were supposed to be set. Plus, I don't regularly go in and make adjustments in those settings. I've restarted Premiere - and the issue remains. I restart my computer - and the issue remains.
I'm having a hard time thinking it is just a function of lack of resources on my MacBook Pro. It is relatively new with the Apple M2 Max chip and 96 GB of memory. The harddrive is 2 TB, and I have about 75% of that space still available.
Is anyone else experiencing this issue? If so, can you let me know if you may have come across a solution? I'm very disappointed. Thanks in advance.
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