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I'm working off of a new computer and forgot to turn off auto-update on my creative cloud account, and so today woke up to 24.4.1. Yesterday I was using 24.3.
Two major issues I've encountered thus far:
1. The fx button on clips gets in the way of me selecting clips on the timeline with my mouse and moving them. Instead I find I have to zoom in so as to avoid this annoying button. Moving clips on the timeline is far more important than an fx button. This should be fixed/resolved asap.
2. I like to have my my timeline tracks as thin as possible so I can see as many of the layers of video/gfx/text/audio as possible. BUT when the timeline tracks are at that thinness you cannot use 'show duplicate frame markers'. It simply isn't visible. I have to 'shift +' to see if any clips have already been used. This is not an improvement.
I've been working on an hour long sequence all morning now, and these are the two issues that have most jumped out at me. There may be more. But these are enough that I'm planning on reverting to 24.3 at the end of the day. God help me if it can't read my 24.4.1 prproj file.
Lastly, auto-update should never be the default setting in creative cloud. When you are working on a remote team with heavy deadlines and suddenly your premiere version is different... It's not great.
Mod note: The title was changed to reflect your issue.
Hi @laurak9014452 the team has logged the request and its already loking into it. Thank you for your feedback.
Hi laurak9014452,
The fix for Duplicate Frame Markers not showing on tracks with minimum height is now available in Pr v24.6 Beta. Refer to this link to learn more about the Creative Cloud Beta program. Hope you find it useful.
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Posting more things as I notice them.
I adjust gain on audio clips all the time. In the old versions of Premiere there was a quick visual shorthand to let me know a track had been adjusted (the yellow box). That's gone now, so to check a clip I have to actually open the gain up and see if it's been adjusted.
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I keep seeing notifications about issues with 24.4.1, so I'm still on 24.3 and waiting for another dot release before even thinking about updating. Very dissapointed to hear the duplicate frame markers don't show up with thin tracks. 2 questions for you, though:
1. Please forgive me if this sounds like a dumb question, but: There's always been an FX badge option for clips in the timeline, which can be turned off, so I'm just wondering if this is a new version that, or different thing than that which you're encountering, or if it's just that the fx badge option that was always there and which you might have had turned off, got turned on by default in the new version?
2. I've been having trouble lately in 24.3 with my duplicate frame markers not showing properly. It feels like maybe I need to delete some cache files or maybe reset my preferenes. I haven't taken the time to troubleshoot it. My point in bringing that up though is to ask whether what you're seeing smells like a bug (ie: sometimes showing, sometimes not, behaving inconsistently) or are you seeing dup frame markers behaving normally except when in the narrowest track setting?
Couldn't agree more about "auto-update". I mean, for bug fixes, I can see the argument for it, but definitely not for new feature updates.
Will be intersted to hear if you can open your 24.4.1 proj in 24.3.
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Just to be clear, are you seeing the settings you usually see in this drop-down, as far as the FX badges are concerned? The absence of the yellow badge you're describing sounds a lot like the audio FX Badge option just might no longer be checked in the timeline wrench menu?
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They changed the entire Fx badge 'model' ... location, size, and what it does.
It's now to the right top end of the clip, it's grey, and you hover over/right-click to get information from it. So it's quite different in both look and function
It does now allow you to say double-click to open an audio effect applied to the clip, so they say in the release notes there is added functionality.
I don't find the new capabilities to be even close to a replacement of the old clear visibility of what you've done. The way you could do a quick visual check of clips down a sequence is just gone.
And the location makes it more difficult to mouse in to make changes to the length/cut point on the ends of clips.
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Thx for the clarification, Neil. I think I'm gonna stick with 24.3 for a while yet. I've just seen so many bug reports floating by in inbox related to 24.4.1, and I'm not sure I feel the need for audio fx to be any easier to get to at the moment - I didn't think they were hard to get to before. But maybe I'll love it once I use it. For my part, I do most of my audio FX work these days using the track mixer inserts and submixes.
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Hello @laurak9014452,
Thanks for the post. These issues aren't bugs; they're changes to the UI. I'll move this post to Discussions, then.
If you want to change to any of these UI elements, you can submit a feature request (please submit one per post; multiple requests on posts are declined).
As an editor, I agree with you about auto-update. You do have to keep a sharp eye on this preference. It's always been that way. Sorry about that.
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The easy applied on track audio crossfade is really sweet, it's like Audition has had for years.
But ... it doth make some trimming things more difficult.
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Hi Neil, triming clips with the transitions is the same behavior as 24.3. The target areas didn't changed. The trimming cursor contextually changes when the target areas are on focus ( same as 24.3). Let me know if you have any questions.
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Perhaps, Adolfo ... but I do have two points.
1) I, like many others, don't care for the brightly "inverted" audio tracks, and while we can now change the general track hue/sat/luma, the inversion "is what it is".
Could we please have the option not to have that inversion?
2) The Fx badge change is not nearly as usable for me. It was so handy to glance down a timeline and see what had been modded, what hadn't. This is totally a downgrade in speed of working for me and others.
Can we get a USABLE Fx badge back?
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Thank you! We already logged those with the team and we are actively looking at them. Thank you so much for your continous involvement and feedback. I really appreciate it.
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Hi @laurak9014452 the team has logged the request and its already loking into it. Thank you for your feedback.
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The first one is so far the only thing I downright hate about this new update. Everything looks neat, even if unecessary, however going to delete a track, move, expand, anything regarding clicking on it in the timeline being halted simply by the fx button is infuriating beyond anything else.
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Hi laurak9014452,
The fix for Duplicate Frame Markers not showing on tracks with minimum height is now available in Pr v24.6 Beta. Refer to this link to learn more about the Creative Cloud Beta program. Hope you find it useful.
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Hi all!
Hope everyone is doing great. I want to give an update to all of you as promised. In the latest Beta, we have fixed the badges mouse click implementation, so you can move a small clip even if you click on the badges. The FX badge is no longer activated on click. If the intention is to move the clip, we won't open the ECP, and you will be able to move the clip freely in the timeline. If you click and release without moving the clip itself, it will open the ECP or the ESP accordingly.
Thanks again for all the feedback!
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Hi all!
Hope everyone is doing great. I want to give an update to all of you as promised. In the latest Beta, we have fixed the badges mouse click implementation, so you can move a small clip even if you click on the badges. The FX badge is no longer activated on click. If the intention is to move the clip, we won't open the ECP, and you will be able to move the clip freely in the timeline. If you click and release without moving the clip itself, it will open the ECP or the ESP accordingly.
Thanks again for all the feedback!