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Help needed to finish my dead brothers video

New Here ,
Oct 01, 2024 Oct 01, 2024

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Hi. I hope someone can help me. My brother died suddenly recently, four weeks after the holiday of a lifetime in Florida. He took lots of video, with the intention of making a movie, but since his death, his camera has strangely disappeared, along with all his footage. However, his premiere pro program  contains much of the footage as a new project. 
I would love to get it onto a dvd as it is, but don't know how to. I know it would need to be rendered, but don't know when or how. How hard is it to do this? Could someone email me instructions ? 
if I could also put a title on, that would be the icing on the cake. I've tried, and I've ended up with a video that won't play, and the cursor changes into two rows of arrows with a red line through it when I put it into the timeline. What on earth have I done🫤. 
so would anyone be willing to give me a hand to preserve these last memories please? If so, would you email me on jakiyoung@outlook.com 

thanks for reading 👍

Editing , Effects and Titles , Export , How to






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