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Help: Premier Pro no playback at all on M2 Max - not usable at all

New Here ,
Nov 17, 2023 Nov 17, 2023

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I do really have an annoying problem which I hope to get fixed until monday. 

I can start Premier Pro, but I can't play anything, not in the source window or in the program window. It just doesn't play anything. I can import videos, even cut them, but I can't play anything.

If I import videos or even if I try to in integrated premier pro test videos. Same issue


Mac Specs: M2 Max, 32gb, 1TB, Venture 13.6.2

Adobe: V 24.0.3 & V 23.6.2


I have tried several adobe version everytime the same issue. 

Tested solutions:

  1. deleted any plugins
  2. delete media chache 
  3. change audio device 
  4. more ram for the app
  5. run adobe diagnose 
  6. reinstall adobe 
  7. try different adobe versions



happy for any help.

thank you








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