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I have a question please. A client has asked me to export an uncompressed AVI, size: 4416x80
But, when I choose:
1. Format: AVI uncompressed or
2. Format AVI, Codec: uncompressed
Basic Video setting scales down to 1920px and video output cant be larger than that.
Does anyone know how this cam be made, to export the video in uncompressed AVI, but still remaining the size 4416x80?
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Odd resolution!
Uncompressed avi is huge and unplayable on most devices.
Might want to ask the client if this is really what he wants.
Avi with the lagarith codec will do that for you.
Lagarith is a lossless codec.
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Yes, I'm aware that it is huge.
But, that's what they are asking for. It is for LED screens during the football game.
Thank you for your quick response. I'll try the codec right away!
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Did you ever figure this out? We have to make Power Ring 360 LED graphics for stadiums too, and I can't find a solution that will allow me to render out of AFX or Media Encoder as uncompressed AVI in super-wide formats. Sometimes it's 28000 x 48! Please let me know if you found a solution. Thanks.