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In previous versions of PPro there was a simple Hue effect where you could keyframe the hue. It was called HLS or HSL IIRC. I can't find it in PPro 2024. Is there a way to do the same thing? All I can find is some hue vs hue vs whatever. I just want a very simple way to keyframe a change of colors.
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You might have noted that it was in the Obsolete folder? As recently explained in detail by @Fergus H ... those effects were used by tiny percentages of users, were not GPU accelerated, and could cause issues when used with other, GPU accelerated effects.
And of course if like me you found one or two handy, it's a pain to lose them.
There is an effect called something like change color still, i think. And the HSL Secondary tab in Lumetri.
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You might have noted that it was in the Obsolete folder? As recently explained in detail by @Fergus H ... those effects were used by tiny percentages of users, were not GPU accelerated, and could cause issues when used with other, GPU accelerated effects.
And of course if like me you found one or two handy, it's a pain to lose them.
There is an effect called something like change color still, i think. And the HSL Secondary tab in Lumetri.
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I saw the HSL secondary but I don't see any way to keyframe it. Is there any? I didn't check the obsolete folder but by searching in the Effects search box woudn't that show me what's in that folder too? I'll check that soon.
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Just checked. I don't see any "Obsolete" folder. They sure know how to keep their customers happy lately the big A, don't they?
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As stated, those were in the Obsolete folder.
And had been since around 2017, with numerous statements on their blog over the years, and here, that customers should migrate to newer, better built effects.
You can find that folder in 23.x and earlier series.
And ... each of those effects, over the last year, had been used by it seems somewhere under 1% of the users.
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I see. But is there a way to do the same in Lumetri? I tried for about 15 minutes and couldn't see anything.
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In the HSL tab in Lumetri, you make a selection ... a key ... in the top part, using the HSL sliders, and you can use one, two, or three, turning off any you don't need. Use the "key" or mask option to show in the monitor what is being selected. There's three different options there.
Once you have your selection, you then use the controls below to change color, sat, contrast, even sharpness.
And you can use the ECP controls to keyframe many things in Lumetri ... drop down the Lumetri tabs in the ECP, all the tabs with the little stopwatches can be keyframed.
And of course, you can use the mask for the Lumetri effect in the ECP, and limit where it "shows" in the image also. Like any other effect.
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Too complicated for a simple task that used to take seconds in earlier versions. I'll dust my old version of Hitfilm for that.
Thanks fo the help
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Check through the other effects. There's a "change color" or something like that still available.
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That's in AE, not PPro. Color change I mean.
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In Premiere, it's Color Replace. Still there in 25.x.
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How can i change colors like in the Photoshop > Hue/Saturation > Hue? Color Replace working differently and i don't want it. Did developers completly remove this feature? Seriosly?
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Have you tried Color Replace? Or the HSL tab of Lumetri?
I've completely replaced colors with both.
Another option is the "proc amp" effect.
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Color Replace is needs Target Color and Replace color. I don't want this. So it doesn't work.
HSL tab of Lumetri is also doesn't work for me. It needs spesific colors. I don't need that. I want to change hue values of any images completely. Not spesific color.
ProcAmp is worked. That's what i want. Thank you.
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Both color replace and HSL tab work by selecting a color/range of hues/values, then setting a replacement. I'm not sure how else you would do this ...
There's also the HSL Curves section in Lumetri, where you can use the Hue v Hue curve to change your colors. So you can push say orange into red, whatever.