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I am am having this issue for a couple of months now, but I finally decided to be vocal about it. I am working on a project with several sequences, and I like to organize those into a folder. However, the premiere doesn't let me move certain sequences into bins, doesn't matter which bin is.
In this picture, I am trying to move the sequence SizzleReel_v7 to the folder 03. SEQUENCE, but premiere doesn't let me.
I noticed the same issue on this post here, but it was not solved at all, the answer there is wrong and doesn't work.
I really need a solution for this issue and I would like Adobe or someone out there to help me fix this.
My settings:
Premiere v14.4
System: macOS Cataline 10.15.6
Computer: iMac 2019 - 3.6 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9
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Try resetting the preferences:
If that doesn't work, try resetting the Workspaces:
Reset a workspace
Reset the current workspace to return to its original, saved layout of panels.
1. Do one of the following:
• Click the Workspace menu icon and select Reset to Saved Layout.
• Choose Window > Workspace > Reset to Saved Layout.
from here:
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I reset the preferences and it didn't work. Also, I deleted the Media Cashe, which also didn't work. Resetting the workspace didn't work also. Sorry, none of the options had any effect on it. What else do you think could be?
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Try creating a new project and import the old one into it.
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Hi Peru,
Thanks for the input. The only option that kind of worked was to select the sequence, right click, and select NEW BIN FROM SELECTION.
I won't be creating a new project as I am editing an entire TV Show here. It's not a YouTube video. Adobe Premiere is a professional software, and I don't think it is acceptable to be importing sequences to new projects. Also, it would take me days to do that.
However, as I said, using NEW BIN FROM SELECTION seems to do the trick.
Anyway, I appreciate your help.
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Can you copy and paste to the new bin?
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Resetting the layout fixed this for me. Numerous Premiere restarts and computer restarts over the course of a week - no changes. I changed the layout, now I can drag and organize my project window as I see fit. Thank you.
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Bumping this. I'm having this issue right now working on a feature doc. Very frusterating when trying to keep an organized project structure.
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Which version of Premiere? There was one back one or two that did this, you had to be in List view to move things.
The current 14.7 version shouldn't do this. We hope.
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I know this is an old post, but I found this as I am troubleshooting the same issue. For me, it has to do with dynamically linked comps. For sequences that do not have any dynamiclly linked comps, I am able to move those. The issue starts with the sequences that have linked comps to After Effects. If I delete them out of my sequence, I can then move the sequence.
I do not know the solution though.
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I'm having the same problem.
Working on Mac OS 12.4. and Premiere 22.5
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Please tell us your system specs: amount of RAM, Hardware specs including graphics card and your source properties and sequence settings. A recent post said the problem was with sequences with linked AE comps in their timeline. Is this true for you?
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Same problem for me. Reset layout, imported into a new project, made sure all files were linked, could cut but couldn't paste, could copy but not paste. Cleared Cache, cleared preferences, it all worked a week ago when I last opened the project.
Windows 11 Pro 21H2 Build 22000.832
Ryzen 9 3950x 16-Core 64GB RAM
Premiere Pro 22.5.0
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Same here.
I've had this problem for ages.
I've tried various point releases in Premiere 23, 24, and recent Betas across a few Mac OS (currently 13.6). I have long had the same issue.
I cannot copy/paste OR drag any sequence that contains dynamically linked AE comps into another bin. Organization is really difficult with this bug. I have searched high and low for answers and none seem to exsist.
I've tried all of the reset prefs, cache, layouts, etc. None of it changes anything.
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Your sequence most likely has a dynamically linked element in it which locks the sequence from being moved around your project. Like, you've got some Aftrer Effects dynamically linked in your Premiere timeline, right?
Best work-around I've found is to do a Render-Replace of your .aep section and then move your sequence to elsewhere.
If ya want, you can "Restore Unrendered" the troublesome section and switch it back to being the .aep file once the sequence is moved.
Alternatively, you can copy the .aep clip. Delete it. Move your sequence to a new bin. Then paste the .aep bit back into your timeline.
Weeeeeee. Fun, ain't it?
Personally, I hate the advice of "Delete Preferences". "Delete your Cache!" "Reset the OS". "Re-install!" "Burn Sage!" "Genuflect upon the alter of subscription services"! Pffffffssssstttt.
ID the bug. Work around the bug. This is Adobe Premeire. I've found it's the only way to be productive with it.
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Appreciate the insight - once we all sorted out that sequences can't be moved if they contain dynamic links, it's pretty straight forward to just delete them, or render and replace, but it's hardly a SOLUTION. It's a real shame Adobe still hasn't sorted this. Sorry, this isn't a constructive reply - your input will certainly help someone. But it's kind of insane how broken the software is. The promise of dynamically linked comps from AE becomes this enticing thing that you can't reliably use in a professional project - unless of course you are fine being unable to organize your project.
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Well, look. The workaround allows you to organize.
Best just to get zen about it and accept the strange paths forward with Adobe. So it has been written, so it shall be.
Been on this app for 30+ years. That's a lifetime of existential contemplation. "Is all this worth it?"
Still here doing things to outflank the, choices must be made.
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Speaking truths! You're more calm about it than I! But that's admirable.
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That Resolve sure looks exciting though. Is it too late to convert to a different religion? All life is suffering.
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I was about to say: Adobe is going to look up one day and see a whooooole lot of people over at the FREE church of Resolve - which will promptly stop being free. I'm more than happy to pay for software to do my work - if it works. But my eyes are wondering.
Adobe: We built a super rocket that can take you to Mars in half a day.
Also Adobe: We forgot to add seats. We probably won't fix it. Welcome aboard.
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Gotta say I've worked in worked a fair amount in resolve and much prefer the editing interface in Premiere... Resolve is far superior for color correction but is not a simple program to learn... I've worked extensively with a few projects using AE comps in the premiere timeline and it's not simple and somewhat buggy... but not enuf to justify losing the pluses of Premiere. And I've learned to work with the "limitations" of working with AE comps in premiere...
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Premiere is Premiere.
Dynamic Linking AE projects is a cool feature. The workaround for me is bothersome, but not troublesome.
"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!"
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I was working on a restoration of a film for a client that needed extensive stabilization and made the mistake of saving the multiple comps to a single ae project. At a certain point, Premiere could no longer maintain the links... Luckily I was pretty good about naming the ae project and the comps so it was not a big deal to relink them. Lesson learned... And everyonceinawhile we see posts here about dll functionality failing... but yeah, it's a great feature and the options and control of stabilization is much better in AE than within premiere... at least they were when I was working on this specific project about 3 years ago... But unfortunately (in some ways) we live in a capitalist society where profit is almost all so decisions are made to a great extent on the basis of costs and making changes to such a complex program are not simple and can have unintended consequences... I still haven't forgiven apple for abandoning FCP7 for the wormhole of FCPX, but that's the way the world works... I can whine about it (like I just did) or move on to a different program... which I did...
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I probably wouldn't be here right now if a certain app by another company that starts with the letter "A" didn't decide to blow up a perfectly fine editing program.
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I am very glad I found this thread. I cannot understand why premiere doesnt even explain in the program why the timeline cant be moved by throwing an error message. This takes LOTS of time to find out when you are in the finish line of a production.. and thats often the case when you add AE comps to a sequence.