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PP 2017 has a bug where when you save to a newer version of PP, like 2018 or 2020 it does not carry the markers over with all the transcriptions. I've assigned these markers to individual video files that I've already imported into Premiere Pro and as a workaround I exported the markers from the older version of PP 2017 as CSV files but there is no way to import them? How is that possible. Is there a solution where I can import my CSV files with teh markerker data and assign them to their respective files? Please help. It took me weeks to transcribe all of this info. Why can you export but there is no obvious way to import?
You can use this free website to convert CSVs, XMLs, etc. to Markers in Premiere Pro:
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I know your question is 10 months old but, as nobody has ever replied, I will still answer it:
There is now a free extension for Premiere Pro that can re-import markers that have been exported to a CSV file using Premiere Pro's native marker export. Check it out at
It might be too late for your project, but it might help others struggling with similar tasks.
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Hi Markerbox Man!
I just discovered your software and I'm very grateful for it, it is a big hole in the Premiere system! I am an editor but not a tech-savy coder, and I'm having some trouble opening Markerbox.
I'll lay out the steps I have gone through, maybe you can tell me where I went wrong:
Do I need to do this step?
from your website -
In your terminal write "defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.10 PlayerDebugMode 1" (without quotes).
In case you are running more than one version of CSXS repeat this step for every version.
Now Adobe's programs will run extension without official signatures (developer mode).
I don't really know how terminal works and I'm hesitant to mess with anything unless I need to, but I will if that's what's causing the problem!
Thanks again!!
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I have the same problem as hobsonfeltus - Markerbox shows up in the extensions menu, but it doesn't launch. Running macOS 12.6 and Premiere Pro version 23 build 63. I would LOVE to make this work!
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Sorry for the very late reply, but I've only started looking into Markerbox today.
I ran the following command in terminal
find ~/Library/Preferences/ -iname 'com.adobe.CSXS*'
It showed I had 2 versions of CSXS installed.
By ammending the instructions to the following.
defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.11 PlayerDebugMode 1
I was able to get the panel to show up in Premiere correctly. Hope this helps!
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Exact issue and that got it / permission has to point to the CSXS.__ you have.
Thanks Jesse!
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Thanks. This helped me out as well
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Thanks for this, I got the panel to open following these instructions BUT the panel is completely empty. Any idea why this is the case? There's nothing in the panel, no functions or anything.
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The import of markers can be achieved via the SRT format, please see the youtube video
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This video is in German. Anyone got any answers in English.
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You can use this free website to convert CSVs, XMLs, etc. to Markers in Premiere Pro: