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I'm currently using Premiere Pro 13.1.3 (Build 44) on Windows 10 Pro and I'm having an issue with audio waveforms. It happens at least once a month with large projects.
Once I create a new sequence from my multi cam timeline I click Sequence at the top and then select Render Audio so that the wave forms will appear in my new sequence where I'm making angle changes. The audio plays correctly and everything is synced as it should be but the audio wave forms are extremely incorrect.
I've deleted cached files, peak files, deleted/re installed premiere, restarted my computer, check software updates, etc. and still to no avail I cannot solve this issue.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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I found a solution for me. Had this problem on a slightly bigger project file than usual. Clearing media cache didn't work for me (I cleared the files and the database). What did work was clearing peak files (also in a folder in appdata\roaming\adobe\common) and reopening premiere.
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Thanks for this final solution... worked for me as well, after much searching online! Thanks so much!
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This is a terrible bug to be crawling around this long. Thanks for having the fix here!
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Bad News, Adobe finds this solution as of 2024, so they make this not to work anymore, hahaha, what worked for me now is to change the raw source file to any name and shorter to fix the problem when you open the project, just locate the source file again with the new shorter name.
Adobe really loves to make errors out of an error.. haha
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This worked for me! Thank you!
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Ah, modern problems require ancient solutions lmao
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Why does Adobe want us to hate their products so much? Yeah, the Media Cache and Peak File fixes do not work. Sadly, this is not working either.
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Easy fix: go to the source of the file on your computer, rename the file something unique that you have never used before. The media in Premiere should go 'offline', at which point you can click 'locate' and find the newly renamed file. Premiere will reload the the waveform correctly. This is because it was using a waveform for a previous file that shared the same name. Hope someone finds this helpful
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I made an account just to reply to you, THANK YOU, this is what fixed it.
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Thank you so much sir, it worked!!!
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thank you so much, it helped instanteniously
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Thank you so much sir, it worked!!!
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this completely deleted the waveform for me 😕
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Nothing is working for me - I have tried every single solution listed here and I am SO frustrated. Anyone having this issue in 2024? Using this version of Premiere Pro 24.4.1 - thank you!
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I can't say for sure this would work but I'd suggest:
1. Open your project, go to Premiere Pro > Settings > Audio, uncheck "Generate waveforms automatically during import"
2. Close your project
3. Delete your render files here (Please note this will delete ALL of your render files, which you may not want!):
Mac: /Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common
Windows: \Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common
4. Re-open your project. Your audio waveforms will no longer build automatically. Select a clip (either in the bin or in a timeline) and go to Clip > Generate Audio Waveform.
I've made this my workflow as Premiere would get hung up creating large batch lists of audio files on clip import, and that seemed to lead to a number of other small glitches/issues/slowdown. Hopefully this helps!
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What I did to solve my issue, was highlighting the audio I'm having a problem with (split it from video) and then right click the audio and click "Render and Replace" and that fixed the waveforms for me
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I swear to god, this 'Render and Replace' was the only thing that worked. Saved me from another headache. Bless you!
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Thank you very much!!! Only this helped!

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