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I'm always looking to improve efficiency in Premiere Pro, and one of the many bug bares I have with it (believe me there are effing plenty) is the essential graphics panel.
It's small one this one. But as the title suggests, I am looking for a way to succesfully accept my source text edits and apply them to the video. Much like in Photoshop, where you press cmd+enter to apply the changes.
Does anyone have an idea on this?
You can use the Tab key to commit changes inside text boxes in the Essential Graphics panel.
Sorry, but I'm not seeing what you are describing, @lfb_billy.
I did not undo any text changes during this process. So, I do not understand why this is not working for you. A screen movie of this situation may help you explain this to e
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Hi @lfb_billy,
Try this. Press ESC to escape from the text. Press V to enable the Selection tool. That's my method. Is that working for you? Please let me know.
Thank You,
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Thanks for your reply Kevin. Hitting esc does get me out of the text box, but it cancels and undoes the text changes. I'm looking for a hot key to lock those changes in.
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Sorry, but I'm not seeing what you are describing, @lfb_billy.
I did not undo any text changes during this process. So, I do not understand why this is not working for you. A screen movie of this situation may help you explain this to engineering better. I hope that will help. Sorry for the frustration here. I'm sure we can figure this out.
Take Care,
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Ahhhh, I see where the confusion is. I obviously haven't explianed it properly in the OP. Apologies.
So when you add text to the program monitor and edit it on there, esc does the job yes.
But my issue is not on there, it is on the essential graphics panel. Say, when I have a mogrt on my timeline and I edit the text inside of the essential graphics panel. Which, as I undestand it, is the only way to edit a mogrt. (I'm probably wrong on this, as I usually am with all things Premiere Pro) Using this method, esc just cancels your changes.
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You can use the Tab key to commit changes inside text boxes in the Essential Graphics panel.
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Ohhh you absolute legend! Thanks for that.