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I am trying to create a slow zoom in for a pic. I add the pic to the timeline, then select the effects control. Then I press the button next to scale to toggle animation at the beginning of my clip, then I go all the way to the end of my clip and select a keyframe and change the scale size up or down. When I play the clip back the scale is moving, but the clip just stays the same, never zooms in or out. What am I doing wrong? Is it something to do with the size of pics I am using, JPG maybe?
I seemed to have to use scale and position, even if I just move the position slightly it seems to fix the issue and the clip scales correctly now. Thanks
I've solved for not working scale keyframes. I'm on Premiere Pro 2020
1. Go to File>Projects Settings>General
2. Click on "Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleation" from Video Rendering and Playback menu
3. And you can see a preview rendering red bar changed to yellow in your timeline.
4. Done.
Good luck!
FIXED! I just turned my computer control over to an Adobe tech, who "fixed" what I've been pulling my hair out over for a week. Okay, it seems if you are using a PSD file, it does something hinky. While in the source window, go to "sequence" in the drop-down menu, select "render in to out". Yep. That was it. Much hair loss later, I'm back in business. I hope this replicates your problem and resolves your issue, Tamara. Good luck!
Thank you!
For some reason I have used this on the clip right before, and it works fine, but the clip right after will not work even with position. After nesting I was able to move the scale and use it to zoom as I expected.
Thank you!
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Okay, this is a bit absurd. I just updated to the newer version, hoping that I get rid of a few extra bugs and now this is happening.
Position and scale fiddling don't work. But I have a 4K clip in a 1080 timeline, I'm doing multiple zooms and time remapping edits, and of course now scale either doesn't work or isn't in sync. I remove the corrupted keyframes, add new ones, and premiere still rememebrs only the old keyframes that aren't in sync. Nesting the clip is a huge pain, (nested 4k clip in a HD timeline, then open the nested timeline and change the resultion back to 4k and then scale the clip, etc).
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Same problem here...any fix?
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The fix below is no longer working.
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Man... checkout my answer. It still works for me. It's not a fix, but it's a workaround.
Go back to the first pages.
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This issue still persists for me on Premiere Pro version 15.4.0 (build 47). Using a Mac with Big Sur. Trashing preferences did not work. Position workaround allows scaling to work, but is terrible for workflow. Ridiculous that this still hasn't been addressed with a proper fix (the "answer" in this thread of adjusting postion is a workaround that shouldn't be's not a fix).
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I've been working with premiere for years now. I never had that problem. Today it happened to me for the very first time.
And I am so confused that this thread exists SINCE 2018 and there is NO fix..
Mod note: Profanity, even if implied the way you wrote it, is simply not allowed on these forums. Kindly avoid it in the future in consideration of our younger readers.
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Super frustrating for basic functions to not work.
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The suggested solution didn't work for me but nesting the clip did.
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2022 >>> Issue still not resolved after 4 years lol. No wonder people are jumping ship to davinci
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I just started having this scale problem in my first project with Premier 2023... I followed the recommendation in this thread to bump the image one pixel over the zoom transition and it fixed the problem... thanks everyone!