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linking a caption track & the corresponding vision track of the associated clip in a sequence

Explorer ,
Aug 28, 2024 Aug 28, 2024

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How can I link captions with the corresponding vision track of the associated clip in the sequence below? Know that I have transcribed the source clips so that is what my captions are derived from. Assume for the sake of keeping this simple that there are corresponding splice marks throughout the captions track & vision track below.


Also worth mentioning - having read suggestions in a few other threads on this topic - that part of my desired editing workflow is to have the captions always visible through my editing of interview content bc I find that a quicker way to search for particular comments/words than having to re-listen to the audio ie I read quicker than I listen!


Another way to say that is that captions aren't just an end deliverable for me, they are useful in my initial selection of interview grabs as well as when I'm refining the cut & looking for particular comments/words.


The issue currently is that given that the caption track sits above the 'reactive edit space' (whatever that's called) from which I need to lasso downwards to select the grab I want to cut & copy into a new sequence AND I can't then lasso upwards as well for the associated caption bit and retain that grab I've just highlighted means that instead of being able to select all I want to cut & copy into the new sequence in one distinct action, I have to to do it in two. Repeat that throughout my edit process & that's a lot of extra actions that I'm hoping can be avoided.

One workaround I've seen suggested is to nest the vision track & captions track of all the grabs in my initial sequence... which is fine until I want to adjust a caption in the captions track of the new sequence & I have to double click on the nested track to open it up again in another sequence before being able to precede in the normal way to adjust the text of a caption. Again a need for an extra distinct action.

Is there a simpler, more direct way to link captions & the clip beneath them, as is possible with 'Linked Selection' & vision & audio?


If not, what do the experts in this forum think of asking Adobe to solve this by ...

  1. creating the ability through the timeline menu to link the caption & v1 track together
  2. OR create an 'reactive edit space' above the caption track & below the timeline's sequence time code ruler (or whatever its called) ie as exists between the highest vision track & the captions track?
Editing , How to






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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Explorer , Aug 30, 2024 Aug 30, 2024

Thanks Paul for making the time to reply.


First, a realisation from me re: my notes above. I've realised I CAN lasso/highlight the corresponding audio, vision & caption in one action by simply lassoing upwards from under the last audio track. I've always dragged down from above the space above the vision track to select clips, hence not being able to lasso the captions in the same action as the clip! Anyway, that now gives me the single action move I was after.


I still think Premiere Pro should




Community Expert , Sep 06, 2024 Sep 06, 2024

Grouping is the feature you're looking for. It allows you to link multiple items on the timeline together.

Do you have Linked Selection turned off in the timeline (located under the Timeline timecode, next to the snapping button)? If this is off, grouping will be disabled.



Community Expert ,
Aug 29, 2024 Aug 29, 2024

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To link captions with corresponding video clips in your sequence:

  1. Lasso the clips and the captions you want to link together.
  2. Choose Clip > Group or press Cmd/Ctrl + G.

Once grouped, you can still adjust the clip or a caption separately by holding down the Option/Alt key while making adjustments.





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Explorer ,
Aug 30, 2024 Aug 30, 2024

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Thanks Paul for making the time to reply.


First, a realisation from me re: my notes above. I've realised I CAN lasso/highlight the corresponding audio, vision & caption in one action by simply lassoing upwards from under the last audio track. I've always dragged down from above the space above the vision track to select clips, hence not being able to lasso the captions in the same action as the clip! Anyway, that now gives me the single action move I was after.


I still think Premiere Pro should work on providing an option to lock/link a captions track with the vision/audio clip below it, just as it's possible to link selection of vision & audio. Of course there may be some reason an expert in this forum can think of as to why that's not an easy or good idea - if so, I'd be interested to hear it.


Paul, in terms of your 'Clip > Group' suggestion, that's something I've never used before so I've watched a couple of Youtube 'how to' vids to understand how it's supposed to work but unfortunately, I can't replicate the intended consequence ie I highlight the vision track of 2 clips next to each other, right click 'Clip > Group', then de-select, then highlight one vision track & drag & the other clip doesn't move with it! This is a separate issue to my original post of course but can you advise as to why I might be unable to successfully apply the 'Clip > Group' functionality?







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Community Expert ,
Sep 06, 2024 Sep 06, 2024

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Grouping is the feature you're looking for. It allows you to link multiple items on the timeline together.

Do you have Linked Selection turned off in the timeline (located under the Timeline timecode, next to the snapping button)? If this is off, grouping will be disabled.





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Explorer ,
Sep 06, 2024 Sep 06, 2024

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Thanks Paul. Yes I did have Linked Selection turned off. Now it works!





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