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Losing edits. Premiere isn't saving or autosaving.

Explorer ,
Dec 12, 2023 Dec 12, 2023

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There is something seriously wrong with the latest version of Premiere. I've had 3 projects now that haven't saved after substantial time editng, and the autosave, which I have set to every 5 minutes, isn't doing anything either. I have a habit of saving my projects every few minutes because I've lost things in the past (I'vebeen a professional editor for over 20 yeras) so I have little reason to think it's user error. Something is haywire and for whatever reason they're not saving. The only thing I can think is that when I have multuple projects open and I go to close Premiere and it asks me if I want to save, that it's only saving the project that is highlited on the projects payne. It's either that or it's literaly choosing to not save my work just because. I ahda this issue for the first time back in the Spring but it seemed to go away. In the last 3 weeks, since upgrading to v.24 it's happened 3 times. 


This is infuriating. Hours upon hours of lost edit time. I should be charging Adobe for my lost time but instead I'm paying for this silly service. 






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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 12, 2023 Dec 12, 2023

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@dbattle28 I'm sorry to hear this is happening. Which exact version of Premiere Pro are you using, and where do you have the Auto Save scratch disk location set to? (boot drive, locally attached drive, network storage, etc)


When you say Auto Save isn't doing anything, do you mean that you don't see a progress bar for it, or that the Auto Save folder location doesn't have any auto save projects there?





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Explorer ,
Dec 12, 2023 Dec 12, 2023

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V. 24.03


It saves to an external drive. I have it set to save every 5 minutes with a max of 40 versions. The projects that this has happened to have autosaved 6 times and then it stops. I know for a fact that I've worked on these projects for an additional 1-2 hours on average. Fortuntely with a couple of them I exported a current edit before ending the day so I can atleast rebuild it from that but the current one I lost everything. 





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