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Major playback issues with Premiere 24.0.3

New Here ,
Nov 22, 2023 Nov 22, 2023

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After upgrading to 24.0.3 we're having major playback issues. Freezing, stuttering timelines, issues with timelines using mixed media (frame rates / resolutions). My team has reported multicam is basically unusable. I've had freezing when using PNGs or MOVs with an alpha. Once, using a PNG with alpha completely froze premiere and then blue screened my PC. Currently my team is using 4 different PCs (all different setups) and two Macs. All are having issues. We have downgraded all software back to v24.0.0. and we're having better performance but v23.6.2 was all around better. We've tried applying any PC, Mac or graphics driver updates but we did not notice any significant improvements.






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