Issue- When creating graphic-based subtitles with animations, the keyframes for the animation will become out of sync on some of the text elements whenever the project is loaded up again
Adobe Premiere Pro version number: 23.2
Operating system -Windows 10 Home version 21H2
System Info: CPU, GPU, RAM, HD:
Ryzen 9 5900x
RTX 3080
32GB 3600 MHz DDR4
1TB Western Digital SSD
Video format: Not Applicable
Workflow details: The sequence uses graphic-based subtitles throughout almost the entire video, on separate layers for different speakers. This, however, does not seem to have any impact on the bug
Steps to reproduce- 1. Create subtitles using Adobe's speech-to-text system. 2. Convert subtitles to graphics. 3. Add a preset movement effect, or create a movement effect on one and copy and paste it to the rest. 4. Close Premiere Pro, and open it back up, reloading the same project. 5. Watch through and check for any subtitle animations that play later than they should.
Expected result- All animations should be synced properly and start the animation at the same time on each text graphic element
Actual result- A small percentage of the text graphics will be out of sync and start the animation later than they should be. It seems to be entirely random which ones become out of sync