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I just installed the new updates and tried to start a new project in Premiere CC 2014 and import MTS files. I get an error message saying "The file has an unsupported compression type."
I have worked with MTS files in premiere for a while now but I'm stuck going back to the old Premiere CC because it's the only way I can import these files. I thought one of the great new things in CC 2014 was BETTER support for MTS and other formats.
Please help! I am really excited about all the new features in this update and want to be able to use them for work but right now I'm super disappointed.
1 Correct answer
I've seen a lot of reports like this, so something is clearly going on.
Try renaming or moving the folder with the media. Then open the project in CC 2014. It will ask you where the media is, point it to the renamed or moved folder.
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UPDATE: Premiere Pro CC 2014 has worked successfully with MTS files from a different project. The old Premiere CC works with both.
Here's the interesting part: While working with the MTS files that wouldn't open in 2014 everything was going fine in old Premiere when suddenly my computer crashed completely (BSOD). This just happened so I'm not sure if it's the files that did that or if it's a coincidence. Is it possible that Premiere Pro CC 2014 does more thorough scanning of the file or something like that? And that's why it won't open these files?
Just trying to figure out what's going on here.
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Canon C100 .MTS files not accepted in the new Premiere pro cc 2014.
The same files are accepted in the last Premiere pro cc.
Adobe, this needs some attention!
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Prelude cc 2014 is accepting Canon C100 .MTS files.
Very good.
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I've seen a lot of reports like this, so something is clearly going on.
Try renaming or moving the folder with the media. Then open the project in CC 2014. It will ask you where the media is, point it to the renamed or moved folder.
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That is a weirdest solution and I didn't expect it to work but that absolutely fixed the problem. I just changed the folder name and tried dragging it all in to Premiere 2014 and it worked perfectly.
Very strange... but thanks, Jim!
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I dispute that this is a correct answer, since the bug still exists. This is a work-around at best and it doesn't work for me since I'm creating a new project, so there's no previous sense of where the media files "ought" to be, thus it doesn't care if I move them, rename them or whatever.
For me, the workaround is just to start up CC and create a project with my raw footage in it, then get out, start CC-2014 and open the CC project. After it converts the project file to CC-2014 it opens with all my footage in it. Again, not a correct answer, but a work-around.
I'm using MTS files from a Sony FS100.
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That's fair. I mainly marked it as correct because I wanted to give credit to the person who actually provided help.
I actually haven't had the problem with any other footage. I'm not sure if there was an update that fixed it or I've just been lucky since then.
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I know this isn't really a solution, but I've recently gotten into the practice of re-wrapping all of my MTS files as MOV using a program like ClipWrap (mac) or WinRewrap (pc). Rewrapping files is different (and less time-consuming) than transcoding because you're not actually changing the file, just the container. The video still stays in its original state with nothing altered. It's fairly quick, and saves you a lot of the headache that comes with using MTS.
Here are some advantages:
- You can open your files in FCP7 and DaVinci Resolve without having to transcode to ProRes.
- You can add metadata directly to MOV files. MTS requires a sidecar XMP file.
- Many devices are able to play MOV files natively.
Granted, it still does take time to go through the re-wrapping process. And yeah, Premiere is SUPPOSED to work with whatever you throw at it. But until this particular problem gets solved, this might serve as a workaround solution for some of you.
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same problem in 2015. Although i never had this problem on 2014 but somehow this solution works for 2015 as well.
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I've a Sony Nex FS700 and I haven't had problems so far opening MTS files with the previous version of Premiere CC. I think developers should be payed more or should have more fun when they are not at the office.
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Just ran into this same issue with .mts footage shot on a FS100 and 700. To above workaround to rename the folder worked.
I renamed the master folder where there are 100's of sub folders containing the clips (long format TV show with week plus shoots) I renamed it from RAW to RAW001. After renaming the master folder containing the raw media I was able to re-link to everything without a problem.
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Empty the media cache folder in User/ your name/ appdata/roaming/adobe/common
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Thank you Seb, this fixed it for me, cheers
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This solution was perfect for me. Thank you very much

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I have the exact same issue!
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WIth reinstalling CC 2015 I just got this message for the very first time. Unsupported compression type? It never complained before!
Deleting the media cache files from the date and time I created the project DID HELP! After opening the project it could import the MTS files without any problem.
It seems that deleting those media cache files remedies all kind of glitches and hickups.
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Premiere CC 2014 was doing great and CC 2014 was fine and so cool just looking at it. Then I could import mp4 video footages and .MOV Then I came across a who says he uninstalled his quicktime and installed an older version and it worked. So I tried it and it worked. So be it MAC or PC just install older version of qucktime. I downloaded version Quicktime Player 7.7.2 (37.65 MB) This is the link to download the older version of quictime: Old Version of Quicktime Player 7.7.2 Download -
You can try older version sequentially to find the one that will work for you.
Good Luck And God Bless You!
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i have tried both deleting the media cache files as well as renaming the folder, unfortunatly non of those helped solve the problem. ADOBE?
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eventually i managed to reinstall premiere without the latest update and now it works. still will bew happy to know when this bug will be fixed...
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same problem. not recognizing fs700 footage. renaming folder did not help. ADOBE?
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I have also the fs700 and I was able to solve it. You need to hide the video files from premiere. Best to do is to close premiere and then move all the video files contained in the project in a completely different location (on the hard drive) . Then open the project with premiere and locate the files. From now on everything will work. Is one time operation.
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Brilliant solution to a bug that shouldn't exist. I moved my files to a different folder and reopened the project = everything worked. Thank you!
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Weird issue. I copied all the files to a new folder then imported them and it worked. Have no idea why.
Thanks Easter Bunny
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Hi Clover,
Clover@New Story Media wrote:
Weird issue. I copied all the files to a new folder then imported them and it worked. Have no idea why.
It's a workaround for this issue. Feel free to file a bug report here:
Sorry this occurred.

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