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I need some help. I am trying to do a multicma edit from a 2 camera shot, yet for some reason I keep getting an "Audio synchronize failure". I am using the same two cameras as I have for some 4 years now and I never ran into this error. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi @DudeNV,
Thanks for the question and welcome to the forum. I understand you're having difficulty syncing sources when in the past, this has not been the issue. What kind of source footage are you working with? What is the audio codec in question? I have heard about certain formats not being well-supported in Windows 11 (see: Is that your OS and might that be an issue? Maybe @Averdahl can assist us. More info would be helpful, too. I hope we can assist you.
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Hi @DudeNV,
Thanks for the question and welcome to the forum. I understand you're having difficulty syncing sources when in the past, this has not been the issue. What kind of source footage are you working with? What is the audio codec in question? I have heard about certain formats not being well-supported in Windows 11 (see: Is that your OS and might that be an issue? Maybe @Averdahl can assist us. More info would be helpful, too. I hope we can assist you.
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I have same issue, the synchroniye failure is annoing.
I also have another issue with multicam preview and edding after update 25.1. the CPU run on 100% and is inposisblle to to anything, the previous version work normaly so i downgrade.
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One thing that can be an issue with multicam is if the included audio levels are significantly different. If say one is hovering around -12dB, another at .-18dB or less, Premiere may not 'see' the audio to sync.
If the gain levels are different, apply a gain process to lift the lower one in the bin, and then retry the multicam clip process.