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The multicam won't stop, doesn't responding, keep playing. It happen with two, three, four cameras, it doesn't matter, it just happen.
This bug has been around Premier for more than a decade, and they just don't fix it.
Hello xx,
Thanks for the message. It’s been a long time since you filed this bug, and I apologize for the lack of a response from the team. Are you still having this issue? Let them know here.
I'll move your post to the Discussions board while we await your information.
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The only time I've seen that is when the hardware is overloaded.
Give us some machine specs, which Win or Mac, and some info about your media. Type, size, etc...
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It's not a overloaded thing, because the CPU/RAM/HardDrive/GPU is not at the highest used, and also, since this bug has been for so many years I've found some workarounds, like copy the entire sequence and paste in a new one, this one works most of the time (since CS6 at least that I remember). So it's a bug.
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10875H CPU @ 2.30GHz
32 GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 | 8GB
4K HVEC, but also 4K MOV, and also 1080 MOV. It doesn't matter the file format.
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If it's a bug, what's the trigger? That would be the question to solve.
I've never had this happen on my rigs back through CS6. Three different PC desktops and two laptops. Running up to 4 cams, various rigs from Nikon and Panny DSLRs through BM pockets and Red Dragon to Mavic drones.
I know there are some users having a non-stopping playback issue at this time, but don't recall that Multicam was mentioned.
So for a start, do you have this with any non-multicam sequences?
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Hi Neil, the non-stopping playback it's only in Multicam. Never had it in a regular timeline.
This lattest version is the worst so far. I've been working the past week in two projects with multicam and the non-stopping it's very present, you can see in the forum there are post from 2013-2014 talking about this problem. I had it before in all these years, but not that bad as now.
What's the trigger? I don't know, it just suddenly star with lag, then with a couple seconds of not responding stop, and then lost it, minutes of non-stopping. None of my hardware overloaded. I'ts not appear to be a hardware problem since while it's not the bug present, the multicam works perfect (just a few minutes).
I'm really frustrated right now, I'm restarting Premiere every 20-25 minutes, and that it's like a "workaround".
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Good criminy, that would be a mess. And maddening as Hades!
I see there are a few other posts about multicams not stopping suddenly. What the ... hay?
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23.1 has corrupted multicam function on PC and WINDOWS.
Back to PR 23.0 solved this problem.
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If you can post that as a bug, an option on this forum for the type of post you're posting, that would be useful.
Especially, include your full hardware and media data for the devs.
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first sorry for my English, non native.
I´m having this exact problem trough several computers, all of them windows pcs, I´ve being trying to isolate and solve it from more than 5 years now, still happens, if it´s something I do, i really don´t know anymore, since I have tried many many "solutions" that didn´t work. Since this is the latest tread on many other with the same problem i will use this, but I think a readed all of of them by now.
here is all the info you could ask about the problem.
1- Does this happen regardless of playback speed or only when the MC sequence is playing at greater than real time (via JKL) YES, it happens with mostly when i tried to speed up, but it happens also sometimes just playing at normal speed.
2- Does this occur regardless of the zoom level in the Timeline and the Program Monitor? YES It happens regardless of the zoom.ç
3.-What is your exact workflow for starting and stopping playback? Do you do this entirely by keyboard, entirely by clicking buttons, or a combination? I use only keyboard, JKL and spacebar.
4-In the Program Monitor, is the Show Multi-Camera Preview Monitor option enabled? YES, IF NOT, it will work just fine, but i´m editing multica so, what would be the point not using it, THIS IS CLOSE RELATED TO THE PROBLEM, I´M SURE.
5.-When the app is in the state where playback will not stop, does it help to toggle focus to another program and then back to Premiere? NO, it will keep playing, no matter where I go.
6.- Is Mercury Transmit enabled? If so, with what hardware? Does the problem persist if you disable Transmit? YES THE PROBLEM PERSIST. I use a aorus gtx2070 super 8gb.
7.-Where is your content stored? Internal hard drive? External drive? SAN? …system is in a nvme drive, premiere in a different nvme drive, also media in another different NVME, caches are in an sara SSD, all internal.
8.-If you experience both the case where playback cannot be stopped at all and the one where playback continues for several seconds after the Stop command, are there any patterns in the occurrence of these two behaviors? NOT that I can see, it just start to happens and it becomes worst with time until it happens every time.
A.- How exactly do you create your multicam sequences? By nesting one sequence in another and enabling multicam (old school)? By selecting clips in the Project panel and using the Create Multi-Camera Source Sequence command (the New Coke)? In PluralEyes? I use plural eyes stand alone app. Then I import xml.
B.- If you use multiple workflows, do you have problems stopping playback regardless of how a given sequence was created? I only use this work flow since the premiere way makes a mess in my project panel that makes it usseles for me-.
C- If you use the Create Multi-Camera Source Sequence workflow, exactly what settings do you select in the dialog by the same name? don´t use this method.
D.- Is “Multi-Camera Audio Follows Video” enabled? Using audio follow video on "switch cameras" MC clip? NO, it´s deactivated. I nest video clip in the synced sequence then I enable multicam, all audio tracks are visible in the sequence, i preffer this method since let´s me see and edit much easier the audio however y want.
E.- Have you used the Edit Cameras feature in the Source or Program Monitor? No, What´s that?
F.- Have you changed the camera for an edited sequence by right-clicking the segment and selecting from the Multi-Camera submenu? No for the project i´m currently working on, no.
G.- What effects, if any, are applied to the multicam source sequence? To its constituent clips? In particular, have you toyed with Time Remapping, Speed/Duration, or any other effects that affect playback speed? Have you used Interpret Footage to change the frame rate of any clips in the multicam source sequence? No I haven´t use retime effects or intertpret footage, I have applied a lumetri effect and a aspect ratio overlay, but dissabling them doesn´t solve the problem, BUT I DO HAVE SEVERAL CAMERAS AND FRAME RATES MIXED IN, sony and nikon DSRL, all of them are H.264. it will still have the isue when I use Proress proxies.
H.- Does it matter how many cameras the multicam sequence contains? That is, can you repro with only two cameras, or does this happen only when you’re working with, say, 8 or more? I would say no, but hard to know, it happens to me with 2 cameras, but when 5 tracks are "enable". I mean plural eyes will detect a "new" camera for every frame rate and device, but only 3 cameras where shooting, so I have 5 tracks but only a maximun of 3 playing at the same time.
I.- Does the duration of the multicam sequence matter? That is, can you repro with sequences that are only couple minutes long, or only with those longer than, say 15 minutes? Hard to know also. mine is 18 for the edited and 31 for the nested sequence thast contains the synced clips.
J.- Do you have more than one multicam sequence in the master sequence where you’re editing multicam cuts? nope.
K.- What format(s) of clips are used? h.264 4k and 1080p footage at 23.97, 30 and 59.97 fps from a sony alpha 6500, alpha 6300 and nikon D850 and D750, also a .wav for audio master of 48000hz 24bits mono wave form in the origin and floating point 32bits waveform for the project. This is a weird inconsistency I haven´t realize existed.
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What is worst? Windows or PR? Hmmmm.. -_-
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Hello xx,
Thanks for the message. It’s been a long time since you filed this bug, and I apologize for the lack of a response from the team. Are you still having this issue? Let them know here.
I'll move your post to the Discussions board while we await your information.
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I´ve been free of this problem for a long time now. Y came to believe that it´s frame rate related, since most of my multicam edit contain several frame rates mixed. As rule of thumb I´ve being rendering and replacing everything to sequence frame rates, that seemed to solve the issue, causing others, but,... well, that the state of the matter.
thank you for reaching out,