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PC freezing and turns off monitor

Community Beginner ,
Nov 28, 2022 Nov 28, 2022

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Hello,  I have had this problem for a while where sometimes out of nowhere while watching youtube and Editing in Premiere , my mouse freezes and I already know something is about to happen. Then I start pressing keys and nothing is working. After a few seconds my monitorns turn off and I hear a random sound and then the monitors come back one at a time (2 monitors) before the screens come back some random things happen on one of the screens, sometimes I have to reeboot , sometimes it works like right now .

What kind of a graphic issue or something is this. I checked that my drivers are ok, windows update, sfc, anti virus etc. 

What should I do , its a wierd situation and I never got helpful answers since its such a hard thing to explain how it happened and why it did.


Pc Specs: Rtx 3070, i7 10700, 16gb ram, 1tb ssd, motherboard rog-strix/rog-strix-z490-f, Corsair rm750

adobe versions (latest 23)

Crash , Error or problem , Freeze or hang , Hardware or GPU , Performance






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Community Expert ,
Nov 28, 2022 Nov 28, 2022

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Community Beginner ,
Nov 28, 2022 Nov 28, 2022

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gpu drivers : latest nvidia.

video formats : mp4

most basic sequence with like 1080p 60 fps

os Windows

Also I am unsure if it is a bug , it could be a technical issue for me too.

I Don't think I really need a tutorial on how to write a bug report , its not really a helpful or a useful thing for me at the moment since I am unsure of the problem





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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 28, 2022 Nov 28, 2022

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Hi Pallo,


Sometimes out of nowhere while watching youtube and Editing in Premiere , my mouse freezes and I already know something is about to happen. Then I start pressing keys and nothing is working. After a few seconds my monitorns turn off and I hear a random sound and then the monitors come back one at a time (2 monitors) before the screens come back some random things happen on one of the screens, sometimes I have to reeboot , sometimes it works like right now .


What kind of a graphic issue or something is this. I checked that my drivers are ok, windows update, sfc, anti virus etc. 


Pc Specs: Rtx 3070, i7 10700, 16gb ram, 1tb ssd, motherboard rog-strix/rog-strix-z490-f, Corsair rm750

adobe versions (latest 23)


I appreciate the info you gave and am sorry for the frustration. This issue sounds pretty severe, and I hope we can get a bug filed for you if we can reproduce the problem with the steps you gave. I am not seeing this problem so far.


Let's try troubleshooting first, then. Thanks for the info so far. I want to find out more about your media, though. How did you acquire it? Which camera did you use? Right-click on a sample clip and choose "Properties." Does the media contain a "variable frame rate?" If so, media carrying a variable frame rate is often the culprit of bad behavior. Let us know what you find. Freeware, "MediaInfo," can provide the details about your media. A screenshot of "Tree View" is what devs typically ask for. Transcoding media like this is often required to optimize media for editing purposes. Editors use the freeware "Shutter Encoder" to transcode back to .mp4 (with a constant frame rate) or ProRes, ProRes LT, or similar.


The first issue you might be having trouble with is a PC with heat-emitting components running too hot for the cooling system in your case. You can download heat monitoring software to check this out.


The NVIDIA GPU drivers are giving some editors issues. Rolling back to version 517.40 can solve the problem. 


Deleting media cache from media cache preferences with all projects closed can possibly solve issues, as can resetting preferences. Let me know if you need help with those things.


The other recommendation I can ask you to try is to use a different device to access the internet as you edit, like your phone or an iPad. Running browsers like Chrome can steal GPU cycles and make your system work harder to playback non-optimized media. Turning off GPU acceleration in advanced settings for these browsers can offset the issue.


I hope we can help you fix the problem or file a bug.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 29, 2022 Nov 29, 2022

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@Kevin-Monahan Hey, My footage seems to be fine as I looked into it , its recorded in Obs ( yes its constant fps , mp4)  and is not corrupted in any way. I thought the issue might be my pc, or my system or maybe one of my apps.

Do you have any idea of what could cause my pc to do that? of course it's not easy to just tell what the issue is , but the heat in my pc seems to be okay while using premiere and for example watching videos on youtube.


so if any more solutions are found let me know, because this "bug" or whatever it is happens at random, I can't tell if its fixed or if it can still happen. I tried some previous solutions like updating the drivers and I thought it fixed it , but it happened in a worse way after . 






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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 29, 2022 Nov 29, 2022

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I upvoted your bug.


You should get a chat case going: https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html If you have a normal Creative Cloud account, you can access it. The chat pod appears after a few seconds in the lower right corner.


Once there, wade through the bots, then ask the agent for the "video queue," which is important, so you don't get an agent that isn't specially trained for the video apps. Get the case number down and note it. If agents can't help you, ask them to have your case escalated. You can PM me your case number so I can make sure you get help. We'll get the next-tier agents on your case.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 03, 2022 Dec 03, 2022

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This is a follow up post to this https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro-bugs/pc-freezing-and-turns-off-monitor/idc-p/13382571#M2...

I have a video clip of this now :





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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 09, 2022 Dec 09, 2022

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OK, thanks for the movie. I get what you are seeing now. This can happen for several reasons. Try turning off GPU-consuming items like Chrome or any apps like Spotify. You might not have a powerful enough power supply to run apps along with Premiere Pro. You are scaling your footage up, which can also tax the GPU cycles. 





Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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Adobe Employee ,
Mar 25, 2024 Mar 25, 2024

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Hello xx,

Thanks for the message. It’s been a long time since you filed this bug. I apologize for the lack of a response. Are you still having this issue?


I'll move your post to the Discussions board while we await your information.




Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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