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Plugin with radio buttons in Premiere Pro using After Effects API

Explorer ,
May 30, 2023 May 30, 2023

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I'm working on an effect for Premiere Pro using the After Effects API, and according to the SDK you can pass the PF_ParamDef.ui_flags style PF_PUI_RADIO_BUTTON when creating your drop down parameter (using PF_Param_POPUP) to have it shown as a group of radio buttons.  The documentation and the comment next to the flag both say that this is picked up by Premiere but ignored by After Effects.


However: I tried this, but Premiere (both versions 2018 and 2023 at least) just refuses to pick up the style and shows a dropdown anyway.


Is this a known bug?  I googled for PF_PUI_RADIO_BUTTON and it gives a grand total of six hits, all linking to either that documentation or to copies of the API header file.  Maybe no-one has ever used it so that this bug could have flown under the radar for so long?






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