Copy link to clipboard
So I have a bunch of files in Bridge ordered according to their file numbers, which corresponds to their times, eg simplified: owl 1001, owl 1002 ........... owl 12. I drag and drop into PP and they come out. owl 12, owl 11, owl 10...... owl 2, owl1. in the list and in the timeline, when dragged there as a group. Thus playing in the reverse order of shooting.
1 Correct answer
In the 'Project' panel click the header above your clips to sort. Then drag to your sequence.
Also you can use the left-most button on the bottom right of panel to 'Automate to sequence' and you can select 'sort' or 'selection' order to edit the clips to an open sequence.
Copy link to clipboard
In the 'Project' panel click the header above your clips to sort. Then drag to your sequence.
Also you can use the left-most button on the bottom right of panel to 'Automate to sequence' and you can select 'sort' or 'selection' order to edit the clips to an open sequence.
Copy link to clipboard
The way the clips are placed on the timeline is determined by the way you select the clips in the project window.
If you e.g. lasso from bottom to top the last one will be the first one on the timeline.
You can also use ctrl or shift to select clips.