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Pr23.6 Lumetri Color Hue vs Sat bug changing saturation when no changes have been made

Contributor ,
Dec 01, 2023 Dec 01, 2023

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I don't know why I fill these reports out; 99% of these get ignored, but anyway: Applying a preset I made to footage (Something I've done hundreds of times) to quickly grade footage filmed at the same location with the same lighting and for some reason in this version of Premiere the Lumetri Color setting Hue vs Sat curves isn't showing an accurate result in the program monitor.


For example; If I reset it, or have no keypoints on it, meaning I haven't changed anything in the Hue vs Sat Curves, then turn it off and on, it will change the saturation on my talking head clip.


If I add a single point on the line (Without adjusting the point). It seems to correct itself and then when I turn it off and on, the saturation is fine and doesn't change.


If I turn off and on any of the other hue saturation curves, they work fine.


It's subtle so I probably didn't notice this for a bit, which is frustrating because I spent a lot of time creating this preset with scopes to nail the skin tone, but I came back to this edit a few weeks later and with my eyes reset, I noticed that the skin tone seemed a bit off and looking into it. So I can't trust Premiere to keep the work I did. Even if it gets fixed, by the next release something else that worked fine will become broken...


M1 Ultra Mac Studio

MacOS 13.6


A7siii 422 10bit HEVC footage






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Dec 01, 2023 Dec 01, 2023

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That's bizarre.


What are your CM settings, auto-detect log, and auto tonemapping especially?





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