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Premier Pro Timeline Glitch

New Here ,
Jul 03, 2023 Jul 03, 2023

Copy link to clipboard


Hi there, I am having an issue I have never come across before and I am hoping someone can help me.


I have copied a project from one hard drive to another, and this is my first time opening in new location. 

I checked everything was across and all matched up and then deleted the original. So far so good.


I open my timeline, and it looks fine, the blocks of clips are there, just as I left it. 

However once I went to play it, all the in and out points are gone, and it just plays the beginning of the clip on the time line as opposed to the ins and outs i had selected and applied to the timeline. It is bizzare. So the interview was cut up at different points. Now it just repeats the intro over and over but the cut points are there. So strange.


So I have an enitire 4 min edit that is ruined and I have no idea why. 


If anyone has encountered this or has expirenece with it, I'd sure love some help!



Editing , Error or problem






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