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This has been answered before, but no solution is working... Ever since the new update my extension tab is greyed out. I've uninstalled and reinstalled all adobe products, I've hit shift on my way into adobo to clear the cache, I've updated all extensions. Still Greyed out.
Fixed in update 14.9.
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Are the extentions compatibele with 14.6?
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we are talking about red giant, plural eyes, red giant universe, Mister horse, and motion array specifically. I would imagine so.
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You should check with the manufacuter first.
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Do you have a project open? The extensions window is greyed out if you are on the initial Premiere splash screen.
Aslo check if the extensions are located here:
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/
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are these the same steps on a windows? I do not see /Library..
when pulling up "libraries" folder the folder "application support" is not in it
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ok i figured out how to get there on windows.
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\
but no they were not there, I placed some extensions in there, re opened premiere, (inside of a project) and they are still grey
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If there were no extensions in that folder, you need to reinstall the extensions, not move old extensions there.
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I have the latest version of premiere pro. And my subscription only has premiere pro. The last time I tried this feature in May 2022 it worked, now I can't seem to find it? I tried following the steps in this Youtube video but my extensions are still greyed out.
Do I need the cloud subscription?
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i have the same problem but how do you turn of the initial splash screen
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I have the same issues. I bought super popular transitions (an extension) on Video Hive. I installed following the instruction, but the extension button in Adobe Premiere is greyed out.
So I searched for extensions on Adobe Exchange, clicked on install, but nothing happened - the adobe cloud does not open.
Basically, these 2 problems are very common, but it seems that no one has an idea what's wrong.
Any tips, please? Maybe someone from Adobe support?
P.s. I'm using Adobe Premiere 14.8 (I tried downgrading to 14.5, but the problem persists).
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Same here, I tested with Premiere 14.0 and Premiere 14.8 (last version). I can't install extensions (greyed out), tried follwing different ways:
1) In Premiere, I go to “Window > Find Extensions on Exchange”, I click on anyone, on the “Free” button, and nothing happens.
2) If I try to install a zxp file using “zxpInstaller”, “Extrsnsion Manager Anastasiyr”, I get an error.
3) Tried installing a zxp file with command line, using ExManComd: ./Contents/MacOS/ExManCmd --install (nothing happens)
3) If I go to /Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions and copy the extensions files (jsx, xml, etc.. ), nothing happens, still “Window > Extensions” is greyed out. I’m trying to install this one:
Also, I adjusted the preferences to allow any extension with this command:
defaults write /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.CSXS.10.plist PlayerDebugMode 1
defaults write /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.CSXS.14.plist PlayerDebugMode 1
This is very frustrating ... I'm a developer and have a client that has asked for a Premiere extension, but I can't even install one ... this is ridiculous ... my trial period expires in a few days and I obviously will cancel if I can't get extensions to work (because I won't be able to work on an extension for my client ...)
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I'm not sure extensions work with a trial of Premiere ...
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Do you have any link or reference where it says extensions don't work during trial period? or you are just guessing?
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Not all functions of Premiere work in trial periods. There are posts about this or that not working every once in a while here, and when it's noted the OP is in Trial mode, that provides the final clue.
No, I don't have a link ... but from years of working with this app and seeing the way Corporate Adobe seems to think, my rather advanced guess is that it does not allow Extensions in trial mode.
It is an "advanced" feature of course, and one could posit not necessary for testing out the general functions of the program. I would actually expect that it would be seen this way internally.
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OK so you are "advancely" guessing ...
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Nothing to do with the trial.
They dont work on a regular subscription either...........
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Hi, I'm a developer and i have the same problem than you. It has been 2 year haha, but did you manage to do it ?
Thank you
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My Red Giant and Autokroma are working just fine ... so ... it seems on my PC, extensions are working.
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Good for you. Irrelevant for the rest of the people in this post.
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OK I was able to make it work with a "test" extension, can be downloaded here:
If you want to do this test, just download the "Extension Testing" folder and move it to "Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions" (I'm on a Mac ...).
After that, you'll need to edit the "manifest.xml" file in the "CSXS" folder:
I changed this:
<Host Name="AEFT" Version="12.0" />
To this:
<Host Name="PPRO" Version="9.0" />
I opened Premiere, went to Window > Extensions, and now I see "Extension Testing" ... finally!
To make this "Extension Testing" work you may also need to run this terminal command:
defaults write /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.CSXS.10.plist PlayerDebugMode 1
P.S.: @R Neil Haugen I'm still in trial mode, so your advanced guess is missleading 😉
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In troubleshooting, one guesses based on past experience.You cannot 'know' if you're needing to test.
And considering that you are on a test period ... I don't see that adding a workaround to the 'natural' process, proves anything other than for your situation, adding the extension-forcing action worked.
It doesn't present over-riding evidence for anything. It does provide a usable workaround to the issue you were facing ... which if of course useful and therefore welcome.
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You are right, my "workaround" only works for my purpose, that is to create extensions, not to download them.
However, my "workaround" proves that is not the "Extensions engine" that is not working. I think it's something to do with the "Creative Cloud" account, or with the "free" extensions that I tried to download (maybe the version, althugh I tried with 14.0 also and same result).
To be honest, you could be right and "official" extensions (from are not downloable during the trial period. If I decide to get a paid suscription we'll find out ...
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That would be good to know, of course. There are so many of the things about the under-the-covers operation of these CC apps that can be a right pain to sort out.
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The free extentions dont work on my windows machine either: 14.8