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For the past few months Premiere freezes whenenver I try and save it. No amount of waiting resolves it nor the other things below. The only thing I notice is, I can save it for a 5-10 second window when the file first opens up and I use CTR-S. Then after that, it will freeze.
It is making Premiere unusable, which is not what I'm paying hundreds of dollars a year for 😞
I can use the program for a long as I wanted editing with no issue. It only freezes/crashes when I hit save.
If I close the save dialogue box, it will being unresponsive when I click on the main program window.
Any advice or solutions are welcome. Screenshot of the save window progress freezing below.
Hello @murphdjs d,
Thanks for the message. I'm cleaning up some of these older bugs. Are you still having this issue? I hope not. I'll move your post to the Discussions board while we await your information.
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choose a local drive not Google Drive.
Google drive is good for backup not for editing.
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Ok, but that's not causing the issue. It is a local sync and also with the sync turned off this still persists
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Hello @murphdjs d,
Thanks for the message. I'm cleaning up some of these older bugs. Are you still having this issue? I hope not. I'll move your post to the Discussions board while we await your information.
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I am having this problem as well. Try to save a copy and it freezes.
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aynı sorun bende de başladı tüm adobe uygulamalarında proje export kısmında dosya ismi seçme tuşuna basınca donma ve kapatma ekranı geliyor. proje aşamasında sorun olmuyor ama sisteme dosya ismi seçme bölümünde çökme sorunu var.
çözüm bulabilir misiniz?