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Premiere Pro Constantly Saving After Every Cut with Ripple Delete - Need Help Fixing the Issue

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Mar 18, 2023 Mar 18, 2023

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I'm having a serious issue with Premiere Pro and I'm hoping someone can help me out. After every cut I make using "Ripple Delete," Premiere Pro automatically saves the entire project 2-3 times, making it impossible for me to work on my project effectively.

I've tried disabling the auto-save feature to prevent this from happening, but it seems like Premiere Pro continues to save regardless. I've also restarted my PC and Premiere Pro, but the issue persists.

This isn't the first time this has happened to me, and I'm really at my wit's end because I can't work efficiently with this problem. I'm using Premiere Pro version v23.2 and working on a Mac Studio.

If anyone has a solution to this problem, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance!






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Community Beginner ,
May 09, 2024 May 09, 2024

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So I am guessing you may have found a way around this problem, but just for anyone else who might come across this issue, a simple fix is to save your project to another folder, on another drive if possible. I had the same problem  just a few minutes ago, probably worse, and came to search here but saw no response.

Everything I did got a Save, from Cut to Trim to Delete.

Ctrl+Shft+S should solve the problem. Video Preview





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