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Good day all!
This is my first post in a forum, otherwise I do not know how I could solve the problem yet because I could only find 3 other forum posts that deal with this issue. They were posted a long time ago without a proper answer so I'm trying a new one here, hopefully someone here can help me or at least has some ideas to work with!
I'm using Premiere Pro 2023 to edit videos, so far I've had video/audio footage of about 5min and cut it down to a 60s video without the program lagging somehow. Now I wanted to dare to longer videos for the first time and have significantly longer video material of about 1-3h what I want to edit. In Premiere itself everything runs smoothly, but as soon as I actively use another window on the PC and then return to Premiere, I have to wait 20-30s each time until the program has loaded properly again. I tried the same thing in an older version of Premiere (2020 version) with the same result.
Here is a concrete example if this could be helpful:
1) I edit in Premiere and everything runs smoothly.
2) I switch to my browser to continue writing a sentence on my script in Google Docs.
3) I switch back to Premiere and press the play button to continue playing my footage.
4) PC fan spins faster, CPU utilization jumps from 3% to 16%, remaining components remain the same in their utilization
5) 30s later video material plays, fans calm down, CPU load goes back to 11% and GPU load increases by 15% while video material runs
Instead of clicking on the play button I have also tried just clicking on a different place in the video footage but there the result is the same and the program takes 30s to load the new place.
My PC:
- GPU: Nvidia Geforce RTX 3080
- CPU: Intel i9-11900K 3.50 GHz 11th Generation
- RAM: 32GB
- Operating system: Windows 11
- SSD: 2TB
- HDD: 2TB
What I've already tried in Windows:
- Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling (On/Off)
- Optimizations for fixed games (On/Off)
- Start Premiere as administrator
- Set Premiere process priority to high
What I already tried in Premiere:
- Playback resolution set to 1/4
- Pause resolution set to 1/4
- Playback with high quality off
- Disable FX globally
- Project settings -> Video rendering and playback settings: (Mercury Playback Engine - GPU acceleration (CUDA) / Mercury Playback Engine (software only))
- Create completely new project and start editing there from scratch
- Empty media cache in Premiere
- C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common -> Delete folder: Media Cache, Media Cache Files, Peak Files, Team Projects Cache
- Audio preferences: Automatic audio waveform creation Off
- Preferences Audio Devices: Default Input -> No Input
- Media preferences: H264/HEVC hardware accelerated decoding (On/Off)
- Memory preferences: Reserved ram for other applications 6GB + Premiere ram 26GB / Reserved ram for other applications 12GB + Premiere ram 20GB
- Preferences Playback: Pause Media Encoder queue during playback (On/Off)
- Preferences Playback: Enable Mercury Transmit (On/Off)
Ideas on what else to try:
- Custom 3D settings in NVidia Control Panel but no idea what I should set there.
My PC is powerful, that can't be the problem. The load is not too high while I am using Premiere. It just seems that the program goes into standby mode as soon as I focus on another application and as soon as I switch back Premiere has to load again. Of course this disturbs the workflow a lot and I don't have another computer to write the script on and I wouldn't want that anyway. Interesting to mention is that if I play the video in Premiere and then switch the application, the video continues to play smoothly and I can switch back to Premiere at any time without having to load anything, as if the program would not switch to a "standby mode". So far this is a small workaround that works, but it's not pretty and I often forget to let the video run, stop it and then I have the fun with the 30-second loading again. Definitely not a workaround for the future. And let pre-render individual parts or work with proxies does not solve the problem according to other users and I would also be stupid. The problem is not solved by unloading my PC, because it runs smoothly while working. It is only this presumed "standby mode" of Premiere that causes me problems. In Sony Vegas there is a program setting where you can choose if the media files should be closed when Vegas is not the active application at the moment, i.e. when switching to another application or just to continue writing the script, the program loads the same way as I do in Premiere, only that in Vegas you can deactivate this setting and the problem is solved. I haven't found anything like that in Premiere. I know that most Premiere users don't have this loading problem but there are still enough people who have to deal with it and don't know what to do.
I've written down all the knowledge and experience I could gather here and hope that someone can do something with it. There are certainly many other people who have the same problem and ideally this forum post will be useful to them in the future.
Thank you very much for any help!
Thanks for the detailed explanation. If it is working for others with lesser systems with the same footage, something is likely amiss with your system. You need one-to-one support, most likely.
At this time, please contact assisted support directly to help you find a solution to this problem. The chat pod is in the lower-right corner of the screen there. Ask for the “video queue” to reach our digital video specialists. I hope they can help you. Let us know what they say so that the community c
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Guten Tag zusammen!
Das ist mein erster Beitrag in einem Forum, anders weiß ich nicht wie ich das Problem noch lösen könnte da ich nur 3 andere Forenbeiträge finden konnte die dieses Thema behandeln. Diese sind im englischsprachigen Raum und gelöst werden konnte das Problem nicht, hoffentlich kann hier jemand helfen oder hat zumindest einen Denkanstoß für mich!
Ich nutze Premiere Pro 2023 um Videos zu schneiden, bislang habe ich Video-/Audiomaterial von ca. 5min gehabt und zu einem 60s Video runtergeschnitten ohne dass das Programm irgendwie lagged. Jetzt wollte ich mich erstmals an längere Videos wagen und habe deutlich längeres Videomaterial von ca. 1-3h was ich bearbeiten möchte. In Premiere selbst läuft alles flüssig, aber sobald ich ein anderes Fenster am PC aktiv nutze und dann wieder zu Premiere zurückkehre muss ich jedes Mal 20-30s warten bis das Programm wieder richtig geladen hat. Selbiges habe ich auch schon in einer älteren Version von Premiere ausprobiert (2020er Version) mit selbigem Ergebnis.
Hier mal ein konkretes Beispiel falls das hilfreich sein könnte:
1) Ich schneide in Premiere und alles läuft flüssig
2) Ich wechsele auf meinen Browser um in Google Docs einen Satz an meinem Skript zu weiterzuschreiben
3) Ich wechsele wieder zurück auf Premiere und drücke auf den Play-Button um mein Videomaterial weiter abzuspielen
4) Lüfter vom PC drehen sich schneller, CPU-Auslastung springt von 3% auf 16%, restliche Komponenten bleiben in ihrer Auslastung gleich
5) 30s später spielt das Videomaterial ab, Lüfter beruhigen sich, CPU-Auslastung geht zurück auf 11% und GPU-Auslastung steigt um 15% während das Videomaterial läuft
Statt auf den Play-Button zu klicken hab ich auch schon versucht einfach eine andere Stelle im Videomaterial anzuklicken aber da ist das Ergebnis gleich und das Programm braucht 30s um die neue Stelle zu laden.
Mein PC:
- Medion PC von Aldi: ERAZER Hunter X 20 MD 34685 (Schande ich weiß)
- GPU: Nvidia Geforce RTX 3080
- CPU: Intel i9-11900K 3.50 GHz 11. Generation
- RAM: 32GB
- Betriebssystem: Windows 11
- SSD: 2TB
- HDD: 2TB
Was ich schon probiert habe in Windows:
- Hardwarebeschleunigte GPU-Planung (An/Aus)
- Optimierungen für Fesnterspiele (An/Aus)
- Premiere als Administrator starten
- Prozesspriorität von Premiere auf hoch stellen
Was ich schon probiert habe in Premiere:
- Wiedergabeauflösung auf 1/4 gestellt
- Pauseauflösung auf 1/4 gestellt
- Wiedergabe mit hoher Qualität aus
- FX global deaktivieren
- Projekteinstellungen -> Video-Rendering und Wiedergabeeinstellungen: (Mercury Playback Engine - GPU-Beschleunigung (CUDA) / Mercury Playback Engine (nur Software))
- Komplett neues Projekt anlegen und das Schneiden dort von vorne beginnen
- Medien-Cache in Premiere leeren
- C:\Users\[Nutzername]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common -> Ordner löschen: Media Cache, Media Cache Files, Peak Files, Team Projects Cache
- Voreinstellungen Audio: Automatische Audio-Wellenform-Erstellung Aus
- Voreinstellungen Audiogeräte: Standardeingang -> Keine Eingabe
- Voreinstellungen Medien: H264/HEVC Hardwarebeschleunigte Dekodierung (An/Aus)
- Voreinstellungen Speicher: Reservierter Ram für andere Anwendungen 6GB + Premiere Ram 26GB / Reservierter Ram für andere Anwendungen 12GB + Premiere Ram 20GB
- Voreinstellungen Wiedergabe: Media Encoder-Warteschlange während der Wiedergabe pausieren (An/Aus)
- Voreinstellungen Wiedergabe: Mercury Transmit aktivieren (An/Aus)
Ideen was man noch ausprobieren könnte:
- Benutzerdefinierte 3D-Einstellungen im NVidia Control Panel aber keine Ahnung was ich da einstellen sollte
Mein PC ist leistungsfähig, daran kann es nicht liegen. Die Auslastungen sind ja auch nicht zu hoch während ich Premiere nutze. Es wirkt lediglich so, als würde das Programm in den Standby-Modus wechseln sobald ich einmal eine andere Anwendung fokussiere und sobald ich zurückwechsele muss Premiere wieder laden. Das stört den Workflow natürlich sehr und nen weiteren Rechner um daran das Skript zu schreiben besitze ich nicht und würde das auch nicht wollen. Interessant zu erwähnen ist vielleicht noch, dass wenn ich das Videomaterial in Premiere abspielen lasse und dann die Anwendung wechsele, das Video flüssig weiterspielt und ich jederzeit zurück zu Premiere wechseln kann ohne das etwas laden muss, als wenn das Programm dadurch nicht in einen "Standby-Modus" wechseln würde. Das ist bisher ein kleiner Workaround der funktioniert, aber schön isses nicht und ich vergesse öfter mal das Video laufen zu lassen, stoppe es und dann hab ich wieder den Spaß mit dem 30-sekündigen Laden. Definitiv kein Workaround für die Zukunft. Und einzelne Teile vorrendern lassen oder mit Proxies zu arbeiten löst das Problem laut anderen Usern nicht und fänd ich auch doof. Das Problem wird ja nicht darin gelöst meinen PC zu entlasten, weil der wie gesagt flüssig läuft beim Arbeiten. Es ist lediglich dieser vermutete "Standy-Modus" von Premiere der mir Probleme bereitet. In Sony Vegas gibt es eine Programmeinstellung, bei der man aussuchen kann ob die Medien Dateien geschlossen werden sollen wenn Vegas im Moment nicht die aktive Anwendung ist, sprich beim Wechseln auf eine andere Anwendung oder um einfach am Skript weiterzuschreiben lädt das Programm genau so wie bei mir in Premiere, nur dass man in Vegas diese Einstellung deaktivieren kann und das Problem ist gelöst. In Premiere hab ich soetwas nicht gefunden. Ich weiß, dass die meisten Premiere Nutzer dieses Ladeproblem nicht haben aber es gibt dennoch genug Leute die sich ebenfalls damit rumplagen müssen und nicht weiter wissen.
Ich habe jetzt alles was ich an Wissen und Erfahrungen zusammentragen konnte hier aufgeschrieben und hoffe dass irgendwer etwas damit anfangen kann. Es gibt mit Sicherheit noch ganz viele andere Personen die dasselbe Problem haben und idealerweise nützt ihnen dieser Forumsbeitrag in der Zukunft.
Vielen Dank schon mal für jegliche Hilfe!
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I read your message. Sorry for the performance issues. I have a couple of ideas you may want to try. Let me know if they help.
Premiere Pro is a resource hungry application and runs better if you to avoid running other resource intensive apps, browsers, etc., simultaneously. While editing close your GPU accelerated apps first like Chrome. Spotify is another bad one. You can often turn off the GPU-accelerated features in these apps as a workaround, so check that out.
Many editors run GPU hungry apps simultaneously on the same computer while they might consider using a separate computer or a mobile device for such things. Doing so will provide optimal performance while editing, especially if the formats are resource intensive: H.264/HEVC, scaled footage, footage with variable frame rates, and using GPU-accelerated effects with adjustment layers, etc. Even more powerful computers can have trouble with these formats and measures to minimize issues should be considered.
For very long videos, especially if they are beyond HD format, you probably will need more than 32 GB RAM, as well. That can also be a major issue related to performance as longer timelines hold a lot of data in RAM. For 3 hour videos, try 128 GB. You can transcode or use proxies if you want even better performance.
Try these things to see if your situation improves. I sure hope so. Let us know how it goes.
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Hi @Kevin-Monahan,
thanks for your answer. I tested what you suggested and here are the results:
I ran Premiere Pro without any other application running at the same time but that didn't help.
If my PC was too bad for lag free editing I would accept it but that is not the case. As I said, it even lagged without any other application running at the same time as Premiere and the CPU and GPU utilization weren't even reaching 20% while using the software so my PC is not the problem.
More RAM also won't solve the problem. While using Premiere, it settles at a maximum of 40% RAM usage so there would be plenty of RAM left to use.
Friends of mine have a slightly less powerful PC than me and we edited the same video footage on our PCs as a test. They didn't experience any lag, but I did. As I said, it seems as if it is a standby mode in which Premiere changes as soon as I press pause once. My PC itself does not have any problems since Photoshop and any other application or even AAA video games work perfectly. It is just Premiere that causes problems.
Transcoding or using proxies increase the performance but there are still lags left so that doesn't fit for me as a workaround.
Another interesting information to mention: The length of the video material in the timeline does not affect the performance. I can cut 10secs out of a 10hrs video and the lags are still going on. I tested new video material with a length of 45min and even there the lags won't stop. The source of the lags is in the source of the video material. If the source of the material is a huge file the lags will appear, if not Premiere works perfectly.
I appreciate any further help and hopefully we can solve the problem soon since I have some projects that need to be done but with the actual performance in Premiere I can't sustain a steady workflow. I really like the Premiere Products and would like to continue my work with them instead of using other software in the future.
Thanks and Best regards,
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Thanks for the detailed explanation. If it is working for others with lesser systems with the same footage, something is likely amiss with your system. You need one-to-one support, most likely.
At this time, please contact assisted support directly to help you find a solution to this problem. The chat pod is in the lower-right corner of the screen there. Ask for the “video queue” to reach our digital video specialists. I hope they can help you. Let us know what they say so that the community can stay informed and help others having trouble with the same situation.
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I'm having the same problem did you ever solve it?
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Hi, I was facing the same problem, found a work around for this.
My edit timeline was 16 minutes with many layers and effects. First I tried to nest but it didn't work.
But if you break it into shorter 2-3 minutes separate sequences then it work perfectly. no lag at all.
In my case I just made an extra sequence and I paste 2-3 minute sections from my og timeline to edit and paste them back after making changes.