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Premiere Pro Production > Projects wont open

New Here ,
Nov 29, 2023 Nov 29, 2023

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Hi, i'm working on a production that has interviews set up in projects and then selects from those interviews have been imported into other projects.


The editor who set up the production isn't avaiable anymore and i'm trying to understand the workflow. A lot of the projects don't seem to open, premiere makes all the indications (including the loading bar) that the project is opening, and then, nothing. Another editor discovered that selecting the project and then choosing 'make a copy' allows me to open the copied project, but then the embedded projects dont link up to sync cuts of interviews etc.


Any ideas whats going on here and why some projects open and others dont? I read somewhere else on this forum, that someone was having IP issues with productions, which caused issues with opening projects through productions. Any help would be appreciated.


Running Prem 24.0.3. The production is all prem 24 compatible (apparently).






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