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Premiere pro taking forever exporting

New Here ,
Oct 02, 2023 Oct 02, 2023

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Hello everyone, I'm writing to you for the first time because I'm facing a very unusual problem: I'm trying to export an edit of 1hour and 9 minutes long but it take a very long and unusual time (around 16 hours and it grow).

It's a very simple edit without any effect on image and sound. Native footage are 4K 10bits .mov. I worked in 1920 x 1080 with Proxies and the final export is in 1080p Quicktime Prores HQ. I'm working on an recent Imac with the following configuration : Memory (32 Go 2667 MHz DDR4) Graphics (Radeon Pro 560X 4 Go) and Processors (3 GHz Intel Core i5 6 cÅ“urs). GPU are activate.
I'm working a lot with 4K footage and never got this problem. Editing and export are easy, fast and smooth. This is the first time I'm encountering this kind of problem. Someone could help me ? Thanks by advance.







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Community Expert ,
Oct 02, 2023 Oct 02, 2023

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I am not a mac person, but an i5 with 6 cores does not sound very powerful.

4K 10 bit can be quite demanding. 16 hours sounds a bit ridiculous.

Make new project and import old one: see how that goes.





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New Here ,
Oct 02, 2023 Oct 02, 2023

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I tried to make a new project but it didn't correct the problem.

I can imagine that it can be quite demanding but it seems not normal that it tooks 45 hours (time indicated right now) for 1hour 9minutes when it only take 2hours for the same kind of export with a movie of 1 hour 17minutes using a lot of effects and also 4K materials ...

Most of the time, I'm editing 4K materials on a 2K timeline, using lot of gradding and effects and no need to render. So my computer seems to be powerful enough.
These particular footages seems to be a problem ... I don't know why ... While I'm writing here, I'm converting these problematic footage to 4K Prores HQ, hoping it will be OK if I replace these in my timeline. The conversion look fast, almost in real time (1 minute for 1 minute). Hard to understand ...





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