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Hello everyone.
I have been working with Premiere pro for a long time now and one of the things I use a lot is the "edit in Adobe photoshop" feature to make quick changes to my images in PHOTOSHOP.
About a month ago this feature in premiere stopped working. It will open photoshop but not the actual image. It just lands on the home screen and sits there. I am having this problem with all kinds of files... .jpg, .png, .TIFF, .PSD... etc.
Does anyone know how to fix this.
I have restarted my computer... uninstalled and reinstalled both programs... called adobe... Now I need the help of anyone who might know of a solution.
I am on a MacPro 2019 tower with 80 GB of RAM.
Running Premiere Pro 2021 - I upgraded and it did not help
Running Photoshop 2021 - I upgraded but it didn't help
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Rename your file. I had the same issue.
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I've been having the same issues. My work around has been to "locate the file in the finder" then open it from there into PS.
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sorry..."reveal the file in finder"
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Same problem here, also on a Mac. @Mark16E5 got a workaround, but it has to be a solution for it... The "edit in Adobe Audition" function works well
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Try resetting the preferences:
If that doesn't work, try resetting the Workspaces:
Reset a workspace
Reset the current workspace to return to its original, saved layout of panels.
1. Do one of the following:
• Click the Workspace menu icon and select Reset to Saved Layout.
• Choose Window > Workspace > Reset to Saved Layout.
from here:
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Thanks for trying, but it didn't work.
Adobe tech support is telling me that it's a known issue that there is no solution for. This of course makes me wonder why none of my editor friends are having any issues with this.
Anyway, if you have any other suggestions, please let me know.
Once again, Thanks.
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Same problem here. Anyone found a solution?
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Same problem! Please help!
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apparently when you call, you talk to freigners who don't know what they're talking about. its a idiot show. they take my money monthly without a hiccup, but i cant get freaking customer support
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It's working normally for me on v22, Win: 21H1
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I have the same problem as Mark and others. "Edit in Adobe Photoshop" does not open photo file in Photoshop. I really miss it, used to work well. Also, I'd love to see a "Edit in Adobe Lightroom" option in Premiere Pro.
MacBook Pro 2019, Monterey 12.1
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Hi Community,
Works fine on my 2018 MacBook Pro - Big Sur. v.22.1.2
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Hi Kevin,
How nice for you!
But it doesn't work with the latest version of Premiere/Photoshop on an M1Pro running Monterrey.
Is there a fix or not?
Thank you
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Hi Kenneth,
Sorry about that. I have it installed now on my M1 and Monterey. It is working as expected. I am not sure what you've got going on differently than I do. Have you tried repairing disk permissions or resetting preferences? That might help. If you are still having trouble, contact our support staff here.
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Still waiting for an answer to this issue.
It doesn't help when people say they are not having the problem. It just makes me angry, that is not a helpful answer, especially since I have talked to Adobe tech support and they say it is a known issue that a lot of people are having. The premiere pro techs blame it on photoshop and the photoshop techs blame it on Premiere pro. Of course they also say they will call me back and then close out my complaint without doing so... (This has happened many many many times) so who knows whats up.
If anyone has found an answer to the issue please let us know.
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I believe it is helpful, Mark. If everyone is having the problem, or even 'a lot of people' then knowing for some it works just fine, helps to put the focus on your own machine. I've had certain behaviors on my computers over time, and some I google and never find a decent answer, and finally I have to conclude it's on my machine. Software, hardware set, BIOS, etc... it's been hard for me to accept, but then I either work with it or look on my own machine for the answer. I once had such an issue, I went and got a new harddrive (so I didn't mess with the current one), put windows on and then one program at a time until I found it. And even with that, I almost missed it, but it was a printer driver.
Currently I'm missing all printer ports on my main machine. I've googled it many time and I can't get a good answer. I've spent 2.5 whole days on it, and made some progress, now they are all gone again. I have a hardware upgrade ready to go, so I'm just leaving that as it is, since I'll have a new Windows install.
Look around... something there is amiss.
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Hi Mark,
Yeah, this is a tough one. Since you said that it is a known issue, I searched the bug database. I do see that a 15.4 bug around this feature has been fixed in an upcoming version, and perhaps it's in the new Beta, but I'm not sure. Can you check it out in Beta with a brand new project? Let me know. If it is fixed in Beta, the fix is on the way in an upcoming version, so that's a good sign.
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I also have this issue. It used to work, now I have to navigate to the Finder. Premiere 15.4.3
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Ugh - it's a bummer! I haven't seen a viable fix/solution anywhere (and I've looked a lot).
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So my new work around was to set all image types that I would use in Premiere to default open with photoshop. I would then go to the "Edit Original" and it would open in PS. Really saved me a ton of time in the last animatic I cut.
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OH MAN, I was hoping this would work for me. I'm glad it worked for you! In my case, I set all .png and .jpg files default to open in photoshop, restarted computer (just in case) - and it's not working. And, some - not all - .png files give me this error message when I try to open them. I'm on an enterprise system, so I'm guessing it has something to do with permissions that are controlled by my IT department?
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I've tried all of the above. No joy.
OS 11.6.5
Premiere 22.2.0
How hard can it be?
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Can't help sorry. But I'm having exactly the same issues since upgrading to Monterey from Big Sur & updating Adobe apps.
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Hi James,
Are you accessing these files with Enterprise or Educational licensing? When you updated your OS, did you do an erase and install? That is one thing I did that many people avoid. Perhaps that's the ticket?
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Sounds like the registry keys (Windows ) will have to be edited...anyone know the entries?