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Problema con el color en la pasterización con Premier Pro

Sep 20, 2024 Sep 20, 2024

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Buenos días, vengo por aquí a plantear una duda sobre un problema que tengo con la gestión del color que hace Premiere Pro en los Macs, y que he intentado solucionar de diferentes maneras, pero no termino de conseguirlo, si es que tiene solución.

Trabajo con dispositivos MacBook Pro, y a la hora de masterizar, el resultado del render sale lavado en comparación con lo que veo en Premiere Pro.

No sé cómo puedo hacer para conseguir que lo que veo en Premiere y el master final sea igual, y que al subirse a las diferentes plataformas, ya sea YouTube, Instagram o LinkedIn, respete mínimamente el color que he trabajado.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Sep 20, 2024 Sep 20, 2024

This has been answered probably literally a billion times. 


The problem is Apple's odd choice to use an incorrect display tranform for Rec.709 video playback on some Apple computers. And even on those, it is only with playback applications that allow Apple's ColorSync utility to manage display color. Such as QuickTime Player, Chrome and Safari browswers


This never happens outside of those computers.


And further, you will only have this problem on Apple computers without Reference modes. As Apple




Community Expert ,
Sep 20, 2024 Sep 20, 2024

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in the future, to find the best place to post your message, use the list here, https://community.adobe.com/

p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post (like this one has already been moved) if it helps you get responses.

<"moved from cc desktop">





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Sep 20, 2024 Sep 20, 2024

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This has been answered probably literally a billion times. 


The problem is Apple's odd choice to use an incorrect display tranform for Rec.709 video playback on some Apple computers. And even on those, it is only with playback applications that allow Apple's ColorSync utility to manage display color. Such as QuickTime Player, Chrome and Safari browswers


This never happens outside of those computers.


And further, you will only have this problem on Apple computers without Reference modes. As Apple computers with Reference modes set to HDTV, will use the correct, standard display transform.


Apple chose to apply a display transform on playback essentially similar to gamma 1.96, in the ColorSync color management utiility. So any app that allows ColorSync to control display of Rec.709 video will have this problem, and no app that doesn't allow Colorsync control will.


So if you play that video on your computer, but using VLC or Potplayer, you will see a more correct image, and it will be similar to what everyone else in the world, not on Macs without reference modes, will see of that same file.


As the "correct" display transform for Rec.709 video according to long established professional standards is (essentially similar to) gamma 2.4. Used by all broadcast compliant systems, all pro colorists grading professional materiel, and nearly all computers, TVs, and "devices". 


You can set the Viewing Gamma in Premiere's extensive color management to "gamma 1.96/QuickTime" and get a file that, outside Premiere on your computer, but only in QT Player, Chrome, and Safari! ... will look like it did in Premiere.


But do understand, that outside of playback with QT Player, Chrome, and Safari, and on all other screens, that file will be too dark, contrasty, and over-saturated.


Sadly, there isn't a fix, though many people choose to go sorta in-between. Setting Viewer Gamma at 2.2/web, and keeping the image just a bit light, you might get something not too light in Qt Player, not too dark in VLC.





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Community Expert ,
Sep 20, 2024 Sep 20, 2024

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Tienes que modificar la gestión del color a REC: 709 en el panel de Lumetri (settings)
tal como lo muestro en la fotogafía 

Screenshot at Sep 20 12-11-35.png

Harold Silva B.





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