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Hello. I've had problems with French subtitles. When you edit them, all fine, and as soon as they export, they change a to r and add in some very random characters! I found a converter that worked as suggested in a previous post, but as soon as you went to amend either the font or background, etc it went back to the 'buggy' version. This is using the latest version of captions in Premiere which I know has been recently updated. Thank you.
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Can you paste a sample of text with the correct letters?
I need something to test.
The other thread you refer to is here:
As you noted, this was regarding the "old" caption workflow. But the main issue there, using the correct UTF file type, is still relevant.
The converter works and you get good subtitles into PR? But when you export they are "bad"?
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Yes I used the converted SRT file and the subtitles are then there and correct and you can move their position, but as soon as you change the font or add a background they revert back to the 'bad' subtitles! What do you want me to paste?
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Thanks for the info.
Just some text that has the types of accents etc that are the problem. I can usually copy from the post to test.
> as soon as you change the font or add a background they revert back to the 'bad' subtitles!
This suggests that they are "bad" in PR before export. In your first post here, you said "When you edit them, all fine, and as soon as they export" which suggests they are okay during editing in PR. I just want to be clear what you are seeing.
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lol. I mean literally paste the actual correct text into the post, so I can copy paste into a caption. I like the screenshots! That is also helpful.
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ha ha!! sorry I can't do that as it's confidential.... but I can paste just some random french words???
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Just to explain the screenshots - the top photo is the correct subtitles but in the default font and settings. The bottom photo is when I change the font and add a background. Thank you!
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Yes, random is fine. I have found that getting languages/accents correct is a challenge. So getting a sample I can copy/paste saves time.
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Le Parlement en France (le Parlement français) exerce une grande partie du pouvoir législatif et peut en partie contrôler l’activité gouvernementale, selon la Constitution du 4 octobre 1958. Il est composé du Sénat, la chambre haute, qui comprend 343 élus (348 à compter de 2011), et de l’Assemblée Nationale, la chambre basse, qui compte 577 députés. Les deux chambres siègent dans des lieux différents: le palais du Luxembourg pour le Sénat et le palais Bourbon pour l’Assemblée nationale.
Avant 1962, le Parlement était le détenteur unique de la souveraineté populaire. Depuis cette date, il est concurrencé par le chef de l'État, désigné lors de l’élection présidentielle au suffrage universel.
Tout puissant sous les IIIe et IVe Républiques, il a vu son pouvoir se rationaliser sous la Ve République. Les évolutions actuelles des institutions françaises tendent à lui redonner quelques nouvelles prérogatives. Cependant, la montée en puissance des pouvoirs des institutions européennes tend à limiter son influence, environ 70% de son activité étant consacrée à la mise en œuvre du droit communautaire.
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The caption style default on my system is Minion Pro 48, white fill, no stroke, drop shadow, no background.
I edit a caption and add a bit of the text with two types of accents. Looks correct.
Add a background to the style. No change.
Increase font size to 100; wraps to 3 lines. No change to accents.
Change font to arial. No change.
Export to srt. Export is UTF8 w BOM. Import to new caption track; accents correct. Add background no change.
What fonts are you using? That may be an issue.
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The client's font is Frutiger CE 55 Roman Regular
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Tested a plain version of Frutiger with no problems. Test with Arial; what do you get?
Are you Mac or PC. I'm PC, Win10.
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We are all Mac based.....
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hi just to say we are still having this problem. i can't remember how I fixed it last time!
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just to say, a year later, we are still having the same problem.