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I work at a documentary company where the editor is off-site.
I enjoyed Karl Soule's videos about Productions and had a question that arose from his seventh video, "007 Troubleshooting tips for Premiere Productions - Duplicate IDs":
Let's say I create a Production and ship it to the editor on an SSD drive. Then, we have a new day of footage, for which I create a new project in my Production and ingest the footage into it Let's say I name the project "DAY12_250223".
If I upload the project to LucidLink and the editor downloads it onto his SSD, would the proper workflow be for him to, within his Production, "Import Project"? Would his Production be giving this project a different ID than it has in my Production?
If he uses clips from the "DAY12_250223" project in a sequences and shares the sequence with me, when I open the sequence in my Production, will Premiere be confused if his Production has a different ID for the "DAY12_250223" project than my Production has for it?
1 Correct answer
The Production panel is listening for changes to the Production folder on disk. If you manually drop a .prproj in there, it will show up in the Production panel. This is a perfectly fine way to add a project to your Production. We created "Add Project to Production" mainly for projects that are coming from outside the production that you want to incorporate. For that you should use Add Project to Production. But in your case, you are really just manually syncing, in a way. So there's no need to
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Hi @KazuTa,
Have you tried the workflow yet? What happened so far? I'll see if I can get a response for you shortly. Thanks for the patience.
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Hi @KazuTa,
Have you tried the workflow yet? What happened so far? I'll see if I can get a response for you shortly. Thanks for the patience.
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We haven't tried the workflow yet, trying to get some info for my boss so he can make a decision about going with a Production or a project for this film.
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OK. I asked Karl to comment. I hope he will stop by the thread soon with more info. In the meantime, you may want to do a test with a sample workflow.
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I have used LucidLink since they had "proof of concept" filespaces. With a partner in CapeTown, our media and Production on S3 servers in London ... and I'm in Oregon.
Note, our Production and all media live on those servers in London. We have up to 4.6k media, and neither of us have had a playback issue yet, with up/down speeds above 250Mpbs.
If you do, you can "pin" a file in the LucidLink virtual drive it creates on your machine, and that causes it to actually download the file to local storage ... but it is still accessed for use by using the 'connection' in the LucidLink virtual drive.
It's as near to magic in operation as I've ever been. Mo's called me from Cape Town that he's uploading a folder. I go to my L-L drive, there it appears ... within seconds with files in it. I go to Premiere, and start importing files into Premiere, dragging to a sequence ... and the media hasn't even finished uploading from Cape Town to London yet ... but I'm getting playback in Premiere!
Yea ... slick. And their Slack channel provides awesome, near immediate help and answers to any questions.
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@KazuTa If you both are working with non-syncing Productions, meaning you have your own cloned copies then when you share a new project to the other person, they should just drop it directly into their Production folder. There's no need to use the Add Project to Production in this strict example.
However, if you host the Production on LucidLink directly, then you both are looking at the same Production, and there's no need to send the project at all. The other editor will see your project as soon as you make it.
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We would be working with non-syncing Productions. So, if they drop the new project in their Production folder, but their cloned copy of the Production does not know the project exist, will their copy of the Production somehow figure it out? And assign it the same ID as my copy of the Production does?
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The Production panel is listening for changes to the Production folder on disk. If you manually drop a .prproj in there, it will show up in the Production panel. This is a perfectly fine way to add a project to your Production. We created "Add Project to Production" mainly for projects that are coming from outside the production that you want to incorporate. For that you should use Add Project to Production. But in your case, you are really just manually syncing, in a way. So there's no need to use that command, just drop it directly in the folder.
The key here is to just make sure when creating this new project on your end, always create a brand new project. Don't duplicate an existing one. This will avoid any issues with Duplicate IDs.
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Nice. Thanks so much!
Is there a Production workflow document online? I am having big trouble trying to turn a big project into a Production. I broke out all the assets (FTG, SND, MX, SFX, GFX, ARC) into their own projects, and broke out the hundreds of sequences into several projects, only to discover that "Reveal in Project" no longer works. I would have to "Reassociate Source Clips" 384 times to fix it. Would you mind taking a look at my post on the subject and replying?
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Premiere Pro Productions Introduction
Using Productions in Premiere Pro
Adobe Long-form and Episodic Best Practices Guide
Jarle’s blog expansion of the pdf Multicam section: Premiere Pro Multicam
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@KazuTa I replied on your other post. Short answer: the Reassociate command you found is to help in cases of unintentional clip moving; it isn't needed when breaking apart a project to a production. I also linked to the documentation PDF for Productions, which has a page on how to do the migration you're attempting. Hope it helps!