render 60fps slow-mo into 30fps
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Hey guys i shot some 60fps videos... for later preojects i want to slow them down and render them into 30fps videos.
This is how i tried it:
1. import file in PPCC 2015
2. right click on video --> Modify --> Interpret footage --> and set it to 30fps (video is 50% slower like i want it and its 30fps)
3. export --> choose 30fps in render settings (picture)
But now the video looks very jittery... as if frames are missing or so ...
I also tried frame blend but it still looks jittery
please help me ... and tell me your work flow and how you are doing this
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does it look jittery if you do a render preview inside premiere? how are you playing it back?
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no it doesnt look jittery in premiere .. its just jittery after the export
i play it back with the standard windows player
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Just reduce speed on the clip in the timeline and set it to Optical Flow.
Export to 30p and dont use preview files.
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my version of adobe premiere pro doesnt support optical flow
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Your sequence is at 29.97. Your export is at 30.
Correct that.
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i changed the export to 29.97 but its still same jittery as before
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When you Modified the footage, what exact frame rate did you select? What was the exact original frame rate? Are you sure this was shot at 60p. (Many cameras mislabel their 30i modes as 60i, which technically means 60 interlaced frames per second and does not exist.)
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I believe its gopro footage.
that would be 60p. would it not be better to make a 30p timeline.
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yeah its a gopro footage but when i imported it into premiere pro it says that its 59.94 idk why
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i shot the video with my gopro at 60fps and when i imported it into premiere it shows its 59.94fps so i decided 29.97fps
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OK, that sounds right.
Can you upload a clip that shows the issue, so we can see? Use a file sharing site so we can download the actual clip.
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I do see the issue.
This looks like the kind of judder I get when I move the camera too fast when shooting at 24 fps. That even slowed down to 50% the motion goes pretty quick makes me thing it's the same here.
What shutter speed was used when you shot?
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here is the same video but rendered as 60fps
there is no jitter and laggs .... so something is wrong when i export it into 30fps
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The steps you described of doing an Interpret Fooatage to 29.97 are correct, but the video you posted first is not actually slowed down, which to me seems the problem.
I downloaded your 60fps video, imported it, did Interpret Footage to 29.97 and then exported at 29.97 and it is slow and smooth as you'd expect.
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It is slowed down!
this is the original Video- clip
i take this original clip ....right click on it.....Modify....Interpret footage... set it to 29.97fps
and export it and choose 29.97fps in render settings
it slows it down by half but its really jittery ...
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I downloaded the original but its shot too fast and quite shaky.
I think that is why you are seeing what you are seeing: jitter.
If you set the interpret footage to its normal framerate
Use the speed option and set that to 25% and Optical flow
you will have a much better picture.
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but then its on 60fps
i already have a file of it slowed down in 60fps without jitter but i need to make it 30fps without jitter
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No its set in a 29.97 timeline and exported to 29.97.
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now im confused .... im so sorry
can u explain me step by step (for the noobest person) what u have done?
did u choose the original file or the already slowed down 60fps file