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I have struggled with render issues since CC2014. I managed to get rid of it after installing an older driver for my Graphics card. It still sometimes went black during playback or when rendering, but it mostly would be solved after restating PPro. I just updated to 2017 and it required that I updated my Nvidia driver. It looks good - can playback in full without issues - even with Lumertri on, but if I try to export/render it crashes. Error compiling movie - GPU Render Error - Unable to process frame.
I know my GTX570 is not the latest card, but it still works and have worked nice untill this update. Anyone having the same issue with newer cards? Anyone having a solution for this very irrtating issue, that has yet to be solved once and for all by Adobe...
My system:
Operating System
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel Core i7 4930K @ 3.40GHz
Ivy Bridge-E 22nm Technology
64,0GB DDR3 @ 667MHz (9-9-9-24)
1279MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 (ASUStek Computer Inc)
223GB KINGSTON SH100S3240G (SSD) 27 °C
3726GB Western Digital WDC WD4001FAEX-00MJRA0 (SATA)
3726GB Western Digital WDC WD4001FAEX-00MJRA0 (SATA)
1 Correct answer
I found a solution.
Suddenly it came into my mind - that the job I tried to export in PPro 2017 was made a few weeks ago in PPpro 2016. And I had used some customized Lumetri-effects that I had made as user-presets, Just made some minor changes afterwards. I always use a layer for the Lumetri-effect and does not place it directly on the clips. So I started deleting these user-preset Lumetri-effects from the layer and just replaced them with new Lumetri Color (from Video effects>Color
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I found a solution.
Suddenly it came into my mind - that the job I tried to export in PPro 2017 was made a few weeks ago in PPpro 2016. And I had used some customized Lumetri-effects that I had made as user-presets, Just made some minor changes afterwards. I always use a layer for the Lumetri-effect and does not place it directly on the clips. So I started deleting these user-preset Lumetri-effects from the layer and just replaced them with new Lumetri Color (from Video effects>Color Correction > Lumetri Color) on the layer. Afterwards I changed all the settings to about the same as before as in my old presets. AND IT ALL WORKED. I can now export with no issues.Same LUTs and same settings...
So if you experience these issues - maybe try to delete your lumetri color effects on your clips and make new ones inside the version of Premiere you use...It might be the solution. It worked for me...
And for the record - my Videocard is an oooolldddd - ASUS GTX 570 - but it still works OK. I can playvack 4K in full resolution with Lumetri effects 😉
I work with 4K files (from my GH4) but on a 1080 timeline.
The Export settings was just the standard Youtube H254 - but I always turn of the "Use maximunm Render Quality!" because it often makes errors as well during export.
Hope this will be of some help for some of you...I too have used a lot of time trying to solve this issue for the past few I tottaly understand how frustrating it is not being able to export in Premiere - especially if you are close to a deadline...
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I keep having the same issue. It's happened in one project that was created in CC2015. Im currently adding new footage in and that brand new clip caused the render to fail. I isolated it just to be sure. I also had the same error on a brand new project created in CC2017. It seems to be an intermittant fault. It's even crashed on sections without any lumetri effects even present.
I have tried everything including a clean install of windows.
PC Specs
i7-3930K 3.2 GHz
24 Gb RAM
Win 10 pro
GTX 690