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Sort clips by multiple columns?

New Here ,
Aug 14, 2020 Aug 14, 2020

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Hello all - This is my first post to the forum; I've been editing on Avid for 20+ years and am making the switch to Premiere, I'll be full of stupid questions to ask as I migrate.


I'd like to know if there's a way to sort clips by multiple data fields.  For example, I have subclips pulled from several sources that all have the same start timecode.  I'd like to sort them in chronological order per source then source timecode.  In Avid, I would first sort by video in, then name; in Premiere, the sort of any column overrides the previous sort.  Or another way to look at it: can I custom sort in icon mode and have that transfer to list mode?


I'd appreciate any help you can lend - Thanks!



Adobe Premiere Pro 14.3.1

macOS Catalina 10.1506

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Community Expert ,
Aug 15, 2020 Aug 15, 2020

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I used to do quite a bit of metadata work on a larger project and I'm trying to think if anything would apply to your situation here. You should be able to search for multiple metadata properties at one time, but I don't know how great it would be at sorting based on timecode.

I wonder if it would be beneficial to add some of your own metadata to the media (label, description, camera, etc. or your own custom fields) that would be more easily searchable if the filenames themselves aren't already searchable. I was able to sort through tens of thousands of clips by using search fields to find names, places, categories, etc. So I could find all isntances of say, a particular person but only when they are in Paris and only when it was related a certain subject-matter. I didn't have to do anything at all with timecode in the scenario - so that's a big difference - but I'm just hoping it could spark an idea that could be helpful for you. (I also almost exclusively work in list mode. Premiere recently got Freeform View, which I know is something you're probably more used to with Avid, but I don't have any experience with how well it will translate between list/freeform view.)





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New Here ,
Aug 29, 2024 Aug 29, 2024

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Bumping this. I am also wondering about this--I'm editing a feature and would love to sort by Shot, then Take Number within the shot, but am struggling to do so.





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