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Source keeps changing in effect controls panel/lumetri panel

Community Beginner ,
May 31, 2023 May 31, 2023

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Current timeline setup, I have interview footage on v1 and v2. Camera 01 is on v1. Camera 02 is on v2. The clips lay on top of each other so as I move thru the timeline I can delete and remove sections from Camera 02 to reveal Camera 01.


I am working on color-correcting the footage and want to apply Lumetri Color to the source media for the clips in my timeline so I don't have to copy and paste these basic corrections to every clip as the video is already edited. Normally I would just select the clip, then in the effect controls panel I would select source and then add Lumetri Color. However what seems to be happening is, if I select Camera 02 on v2 and choose Source in Effect Controls it is jumping to the Source Media for Camera 01 and not 02. I have no idea why this is happening. Does anyone have any insight?


I'm probably doing something wrong, but I can't seem to figure this out and it is frustrating.


Editing , Error or problem






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